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Covid-19 Scamdemics in Nigeria- ask Govs’ Bello, Udom, Dokpesi -By Obinna Akukwe

Akwa Ibom State Governor Udom Emmanuel was blackmailed until he succumbed and accepted the existence of few Covid-19 cases in his state, to avoid embarrassing the WHO stooges at NCDC.



Chikwe Ihekweazu DG NCDC e1589189846312

The Covid-19 pandemic in Nigeria have been turned to Covid-19 Scandemics, anyone in doubt should ask Dr Raymond Dokpesi of African Independence Television and Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi State and Udom Emmanuel of Akwa Ibom State.

The scamdemics has become opportunity to siphon public funds.

1. The Central Bank said that it has set aside one trillion naira facility to assist firms operating in the agriculture and manufacturing sectors. How many firms in these sectors have benefitted from the N1 trillion naira since it was declared?


2. The Nigeria Incentive-based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending (NIRSAL) Microfinance bank, on behalf of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), said it has started the disbursement of the N50 billion Targeted Credit Facility (TCF) to beneficiaries affected by Covid-19. Where are the beneficiaries of the audio loan?

3. The CBN said that it is ready to assist local pharmaceutical with N100 billion to fight Covid-19. The local pharmacists are not seeking for support, they are seeking for validation for their drug remedy, and the populace will buy up the products, the manner they bought sanitizers for over N5, 000-N15, 000 naira

4.  The Ministry of Finance said that the funding for the ongoing Cash Transfer  will come from the $322.5 million recovered Abacha stolen public fund from Switzerland.


5.  President Buhari also approved withdrawal of $150 million from its sovereign wealth fund as part of its fiscal stimulus measures in response to the COVID-19 outbreak

6. The IMF approved US$3.4 billion in emergency financial assistance under the Rapid Financing Instrument to support the authorities’ efforts in addressing the severe economic impact of the COVID-19 shock and the sharp fall in oil prices.

7. The House of Representatives has received another letter from President Muhammadu Buhari seeking approval of his decision to borrow another $5.513bn to boost the economy due to Covid-19.


8. Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs insists on spending   hundreds of billions of naira to feed school children at home despite oppositions.

9. State Governors are using the Covid-19 Palliative as guise to embezzle public funds. Many governors who approved money for the palliatives found out that the funds disappeared into the bank accounts and ‘babanriga’ flowing gowns   of their aides.

With all these palliatives, index cases are still rising. Many of them are tired of the lockdown and they are forcing the economic spaces open while others are demolishing buildings, auctioning cars and quarantining innocent travellers going to attend to their sick aged parents, yet index cases keep rising in states where all these showmanship takes place.


In Kano State, the governor’s daughter is in charge of covid task force after the demise of the former chairman. Herbalists were selling local drug as immunity against Covid-19. Though unproven by medical experts, it worked in Kano until they were banned and thrown out of Kano. They took their drugs to Yobe, Jigawa, Borno and index cases are low in those places. Immediately the local herbalists left, many started dying in Kano, and the governor demanded for N15 billion naira to stop the pandemics.

Akwa Ibom State Governor Udom Emmanuel was blackmailed until he succumbed and accepted the existence of few Covid-19 cases in his state, to avoid embarrassing the WHO stooges at NCDC.

Kogi State Governor, Yahaha Bello, refused to be intimidated and blackmailed, assembled health experts in the state and started revving their own tests which had so far reported negative index case. The NCDC claimed the state has two cases.


Katsina State has few index cases because the scam will not be tolerated by President Buhari in his home state if exposed.

Covid-19 pandemic is a scandemic. Chairman of AIT, Daar Communications, Raymond Dokpesi, saw through the scam when he was declared positive to coronavirus and raised alarm. Presidency had to settle with him to stem further damage to the scam. What type of settlement?

God had decided to help Nigeria.  Refreshing from my piece of May 5th titled ‘Forced Vaccination Bill: Illuminati Hijacks Nigerian Parliament, Covid-19 Team ‘in paragraph twenty, I said


“However, five weeks ago, I saw a vision where people moved about freely in Nigeria with face masks, and last week, I saw another vision where people moved about without face mask. This means that Nigeria will miraculously overcome the Corona virus challenges”.

 Elucidating further in another piece titled ‘Shut Up! Covid -19 Will Not Swallow Nigeria, Africa’ I declared that

‘Covid-19 will not swallow Nigeria according to the visions and revelations I saw on the high mountains and Bill Gates, NCDC, WHO and Covid-19 Task force should shut up!


“The vision that I saw was in four phases

“Phase1-Seen in February 2020- Flood of evil ravaging the world, penetrating into NAfrica and Nigeria and I had to climb higher to avoid the flood.

“Phase 2 -Seen in March 2020- Soldiers on the streets of Abuja and Lagos harassing and keeping people indoor forcefully


“Phase 3 -Seen in April 2020 – Churches, including Our Lady, Queen of Nigeria Pro- Cathedral, Abuja holding services with face mask, hand sanitizers, hand wash and few social distancing

“Phase 4-Seen in April 2020-Churches, including Faith Tabernacle, holding services without face masks and services jam-packed.

“Interpreting the four phases simply means how the Covid curve will follow in Nigeria and Africa and I never saw any millions dying anywhere in Africa. These things will happen in the not too distant future, therefore let the doomsday prophets prophesying death of millions on the streets of Africa and hundreds of thousands on the streets of Nigeria shut up”!


My interest is not in the Covid-19 scammers because if President Buhari had fought corruption headlong as he promised in 2015, nobody will dare scam Nigerians to the tune of these billions of dollars and trillions of naira under the guise of coronavirus.

Let the scammers continue until mass protests sweeps them away. Until then, Nigerians should learn to take their destiny in their hands. They should observe all health protocols approved. They should also use any so-called unproven remedy that helps them survive the pandemic, whether local herb, drug or foods, hygiene etc.  All the world expectations that millions will die in Africa has failed and the scammers have ran short of ideas. 

Let the Covid-19 scammers open up the economy so that majority of Nigerians living on daily and weekly income will not starve while they continue with their Covid-19 scandemics in Nigeria or else a mass protest will sweep them all away like a whirlwind.


Obinna Akukwe, Columnist via, @obinnaakukwe

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