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Gombe State’s most draconian kidnapping law -By Tayo Oke



Tayo Oke

A few days ago, Gombe, the “Jewel of the Savannah”, passed through its State Assembly the most draconian kidnapping Bill of any other state in Nigeria. The Speaker of the Assembly, Honourable AbubakarSadiq Ibrahim stated: “We the state legislature felt we should do something that will protect the lives of our people. The Bill seeks to prohibit any act, move or attempt that has to do with kidnapping”.

The Assembly made reference to “similar Bills” having been passed through the State Assemblies in the neighbouring Adamawa and Taraba states, the effect of which has resulted in an unseemly migration of kidnappers from those states into Gombe, hence, the need to tighten their own law. It is patently true that kidnapping has surpassed internet fraud (aka “419” and “yahooze”) as the weapon of choice for youngsters aiming to get rich quick in recent times in Nigeria.

 Once kidnapped, the victim becomes a bargaining chip for the negotiation of a hefty ransom. Prominent people and individuals of considerable means used to provide the main targets for the perpetrators, but these days, it has become random and indiscriminate. Even extremely poor and vulnerable people can become victims of kidnapping. Everyone has a price on his head.


Kidnapping usually happens along the decrepit and dilapidated roads up and down the country. More often than not, the perpetrators would flag down a vehicle under the pretext of conducting a legitimate police or army operation. By the time the victims become aware, it is too late; they are already being shepherded into the crevices of the nearest jungle, on a long trek into the dungeon. It is usually the beginning of an ordeal which may result in freedom, maiming or death.

As with the old version of Internet fraud, kidnapping is an easy crime to commit because the police generally do a lousy job of apprehending the culprits. Unless you are rich, famous and prominent, it is usually not given police time and effort. The criminals acquire various uniforms of the armed services personnel and ammunition, then, go to work basically. The omnipresence of police check points around the highways makes the matter even more complicated for citizens. Such checkpoints are so dotted around the place that it becomes difficult to be circumspect in the thick of things as it were. The check points are usually viewed by motorists with a deep sense of déjà vu. People are easily caught off guard as a result.

Some Inspector-Generals of Police in the past have had cause to issue warnings to their officers not to mount “illegal” checkpoints along the roads, but the police do this to extort money from motorists ostensibly to supplement their meagre incomes and allowances. No amount is too high or too low for these officers of the law, who would even start bargaining for small “change” in plain sight. It is the number one road hazard faced by motorists every single day of the week.


You would be forgiven for wondering why kidnappers are still able to ply the same roads in spite of the numerous police presence. Well, police and kidnappers often pick different spots to launch their respective operations as it happens. Whether this is by design or a mere coincidence, is a matter for conjecture. Besides, police themselves have been known to flee upon sighting armed criminalson the sideways. Very few of the Nigerian armed forces are, in fact, properly armed. Besides those guarding politicians and other VIPs, majority of them are left with scanty weaponry to protect themselves, let alone the public.

The other aspect to this is the increasingly notorious herdsmen activity in the so-called “open grazing”, whereby herds of cattle stomp and munch their way through both private and public lands with reckless abandon. Kidnappers have found some of the herdsmen willing co-conspirators in the business of abduction, kidnapping and ransom demands. This sometimes happens in broad daylight, when a vehicle suddenly runs into a herd of cattle, right in the middle of a suburban road, and unable to bypass them. A signal is quickly sent to the armed kidnappers who then make a swoop on the motorist(s) from the nearby jungle, whisk them off to their den to begin a terrible and sometimes unimaginable ordeal.

To an extent, and in a show of brazenness, kidnappers would also pay a casual visit to the country homes of a prominent personality, rough up their aged relatives before abducting them. Why is the spate of kidnappings getting more widespread? It is mainly because ransom is often paid when there is no possibility of a rescue by police. Police say they are overstretched and have no resources to attend to every incidence of kidnapping in the country. So, the menace spreads because it pays handsomely in many respects. Apparently, it carries a low risk for the perpetrators, so no wonder many youths are attracted to it.  The consequences of kidnapping can be horrendous for the victim, who are often beaten, maimed, starved and subjected to animal-like treatment inside the kidnappers various hideouts. The immediate effect on the family is a huge loss of money, but the long term effect on the actual victim can linger for a lifetime if he survives.


The above is quite apart from the effect it has on the economy. Who will want to come and invest in a kidnapper-infested environment? Travelling on Nigerian roads have been abandoned by those in a position to take to the sky, and those privileged enough to travel in a heavily armed, bullet-proof convoy. It is even surprising we still have investors willing to risk their physical presence on Nigerian soil, but thankfully, many still do. Little wonder then, that well-meaning political leaders are scratching their heads and thinking of what to do in response.

The Gombe State House of Assembly, last week, passed a Bill, which reads: “Whoever kidnaps or abducts any person by any other means in order that such person may be killed or may be so disposed of as to be put in danger of being killed or with intent to demand ransom shall be punished with death”.  This Bill is so badly drafted on the whole and it is so draconian in its ultimate effect that it makes kidnappers liable to summary execution. The column did in fact make efforts to check and re-check the original text of the bill through the usual journalistic channels, but it was to no avail.

Nonetheless, the direct quote from the legislature above, has been reported and repeated in numerous print media, and it has not been denied by officials. So, before anyone is rushed to the gallows on the authority of the in-coming law, let it be stated unequivocally that summary execution is contrary to the Geneva Convention, African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights, as well asthe Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.


In the final analysis, it should not be news to the Gombe’s Attorney General that right to life is sacrosanct, including that of the accused, unless superseded by a valid conviction in a court of law. So, the missing element in the bill is “….shall be punished (upon conviction) with death”. It looks like an innocuous omission, but, the implication is huge as you can well imagine. We are told the state Governor, His Excellency, Muhammad InuwaYahaya is “anxiously waiting” to assent to the Bill. Your Excellency, Sir, as it stands, this Bill should be dead on arrival.

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