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Religion Versus Tradition In Africa -By Otache Salome

African tradition and religion remain the most nutritious and vital part of us African. Tradition is the way of life, culture beliefs, practices and customs of a group of people.



Igbo culture

Religion is the way of worship and spiritual beliefs of a group of people. African traditional religion refers to the indigenous or autochonous religions of the African people. It deal with their cosmology, ritual practices, symbols, arts, society and so on.

Religion which is the way of life, it relates to culture and society as they affect the world view of the African people. To others religion is not so much as a source of conflict as a source of hope in Sub-Saharan Africa. where religious leaders and movements are a major force in civil society and a key provider of relief and development for the needy, particularly given the widespread reality of failed States and collapsing government services.

The vast majority of people practiced traditional African religions, while adherent of Christianity and Muslim combined made up less than a quarter of the population, according to historical estimate from the world religion database. African tradition is indigenous and foundational, that is from generation to generation means as to be upheld and practiced today and forevermore. A heritage from the past yet not treated as a thing of the past but that which connect the past with the present and present with eternity.Traditional African religion is based on oral tradition which means that the basic values and way of life are passed from elders to the younger generations. Africans believes in the existence of mystical, invisible, hidden, and spiritual power in the universe. Religion and tradition In Africa will forever be in existence no doubt because of it numerous effects to us African in general.


African tradition as a whole will not change despite the introduction of foreign tradition and religions in Africa. This particular tradition make African who they are and what they are made of respectively.

Religion in Africa which are globally known to be three: the Christianity, Muslim and traditional worshippers. African been the center of attractive and attention are worldly recognize and appreciated for stinking to the practices and honouring their tradition and religion amicably.

African tradition and religion remain the most nutritious and vital part of us African. Tradition is the way of life, culture beliefs, practices and customs of a group of people.


African culture beliefs and tradition will be from generation to generation without hindrance.

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