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2019: Counting our blessings in spite of everything -By Azuka Onwuka



Azuka Onwuka

The tendency in human beings to lament their misfortunes but never see a reason to count their blessings and express their gratitude is high. Even atheists and agnostics most times find it hard to be grateful to nature and chance. We human beings make it look as if the world owes us everything. When things go well, we believe that it is natural and usual, but when they don’t, we react angrily and sadly.

But was it because of our smartness or power that we were not consumed in the multiple road, air and water accidents, petrol tanker infernos, terror attacks, communal clashes, ritual killings, natural disasters, armed robberies, kidnappings, diseases and the rest that unfold with some disturbing rapidity around? Were we the most careful, most protected, or most favoured? Were those killed or grievously wounded the most sinful or the least useful to society? Someone would live an ordered and careful life but gets diagnosed of fatal cancer, yet another person who lives a carefree, devil-may-care lifestyle becomes a healthy nonagenarian.

Therefore, as 2019 ends today, I wish to show gratitude for all the great things that have happened to me this year. It has been a tough year, but in all that, there is always something to cheer about.


First is that 2019 is a year in which I came close to death. On Friday, June 28, I left my hometown, Nnewi in Anambra State, to ensure that I did not miss some commitments in Lagos that weekend. On the way, I had an accident that would have been fatal, if not for God. I saw myself seconds away from death with little or no power to save myself. Thankfully, even though the car crashed and got smashed, not a scratch came upon me.

Family members who saw the state of the vehicle urged me to go for a test to confirm that no internal body part was affected. But I, who was involved in the accident from the beginning to the end, knew that no part of my body (except the hands with which I held the steering wheel) had any contact with any part of the car.

I sat firmly on the seat of the car during the accident, and the seat belt helped to ensure that I did not surge forward. When the airbags shot out, my face and chest were so far away from the steering wheel airbag that it deflated shortly afterwards, because there was nothing for it to protect.


Until today, anytime the accident replays in my mind, I shudder and remember that it could have been worse. If the circumstances of that accident were altered slightly, no matter my carefulness and the safety measures I had taken, I could have perished in seconds or got physically incapacitated.

 The second point is that 2019 is the year in which I published and presented four books: (1) The Peace General (the official biography of Igwe K.O.N. Orizu of Nnewi) (2) Two plus One (my second novel) (3) Secret of the Egret (a storybook, and (4) English Incorporated (a book on common mistakes in English).

 It was, by all standards, a feat. But these books were not written in one year. The Peace General took four years. Two plus One took five years. Secret of the Egret took eight years. English Incorporated took 10 years.


 Why four books? Between 2001 and 2012, I had published three books and held three book presentations. Presenting another book in 2019 would have been no news. So, I planned to do something different and news-worthy by presenting five books in 2019. I missed my target and presented four books.

 When many people hear that I released four books in one year, they wish they were like me: someone who does not procrastinate. But believing that I don’t procrastinate is very, very deceptive. I procrastinate a lot. I have lost so many things because of procrastination. But maybe my degree of procrastination is lower than that of some people. Or, maybe, I procrastinate less on certain issues and more on certain issues.

 To get the books out this year was a Herculean task. Until October 10, I didn’t know that I would be able to hold the presentation ceremony for the first three books this year. I had given up that this year was lost again. I had planned that the books would be presented in 2017 but failed. I planned to do so in 2018, but failed again.


 Then, out of the blues, some things happened in quick succession. I completed the editing of the third book and got it printed. (Two of the books had been printed earlier). I booked the hall while finalising the fourth book.

 The way the unexpected events occurred when all hope was lost told me that it was not by my power. I had taken the actions that were within my power but the books were not out and there was no sign that the book launch would hold this year. Then, things that were not within my power fell in place and made my dreams come true. That was the reason the invitation card for the launch of the first three books in Lagos only came out three weeks to the November 26 launch date. That was also why I had to hold the book launch so close to the end of the year, which is not a good time for such an event. (The launch of the fourth book held in Nnewi on December 27).

I thank God for His grace. When people commend me for the effort, I laugh silently. Yes, I had done my bit, but my bit was not good enough to make my dream come true. It was God that stepped in and made the difference. He also ensured that the key people who played roles in the book launch accepted and were present at the launch.


The third point is that 2019 marks the 25th year of my stay in Lagos. Out of the 49 years of my life, 22 years have been spent in the South-East; two in Ondo State, and 25 in Lagos. A lot has happened since then for which I am grateful.

As we step into 2020 in a matter of hours, I pray that we shall have sweeter stories to tell in our personal lives and national life. Have a wonderful 2020.

Follow me on Twitter @BrandAzuka


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