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2019: Gains, Pains, Lessons and Experiences -By Emmanuel Omeiza Momoh



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We are in the new year which undoubtedly mark the beginning of a new decade. As it done in both government and private establishments, I took a stock of my life both in the just concluded year and the decade, I without fail saw I had recorded a milestone of achievements in every aspects of my life. Though, there were some failures which was as a result of the fact that the world we are in operated on a principle of double-sidedness, there comes both the bitter and the sweet, the good and bad as well as the pleasant and unpleasant.

Furthermore, I had learn several experiences most of which taught me lesson I wouldn’t want to forget in a hurry. Nonetheless, one thing that has always bothered my mind is the fact that time waits for no man and before looking back and forth, seconds turn into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into days, days into month and before we know it, another year has rolled by and so we have a decade and a century.
Life I have learned in the past decade is transient and short. Hence, the need for everyone to live each day as if it were the last. The two basic things I have learnt in the last decade and which I will to dwell extensively on in the present is:


1. The need for self-discovery cum striving at all times to be a better person and not comparing imitating anyone. A popular philosopher wrote “To thy own self, for when thou can be true to thyself, thou can be true to others”. Both operate from the same context from a perspective and from other contexts in other perspectives. Everyone is unique in one way or the other. “The best project you can endeavour to work on is yourself”.

The most important thing shaping ourselves based on reality and not falling into the web of unhealthy comparisons.

2. Cut off all expectations. Life can be full of emergencies. Children becoming orphans, mothers becoming widows, the sometimes good appearing bad. Having adequate plans to avoid disappointments is what is necessary to stay afloat and gain success.


“Don’t burn the bridges but build the hedges”. I do wish everyone out there a pleasant and fruitful new year and decade. Cheers.

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