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5 months unpaid salaries: Street sweepers stage protest in Kano

When contacted, the Managing Director, Ahmadu Haruna Zago didn’t respond to call put across to his phone number by our correspondent.



Street sweepers

Street sweepers on Monday staged a protest at the frontage of Kano State Refuse Management and Sanitation Board, REMASAB over unpaid five months salaries.

The protesters were seen in their numbers carrying placards with various inscriptions to press home their demands.

One of the protesters, Abdullahi Umar said since the assumption of Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf about five months ago, they were not paid a dime as salary.


According to him, “We were owed 5 months salary by REMASAB. Since the assumption of Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf, he has never paid us a dime since he was sworn in.

“Initially, we were owed three months salary by the previous government of Dr. Abdullahi Umar Ganduje. Later, he paid one month. After that, Governor Yusuf was sworn in and this is the fifth month.

“Our appeal is for them to pay us our entitlements,” Umar said.


On her part, Talatu Adamu lamented that they were faced with hardship due to unpaid salaries

“This is our fifth month without pay.

“We came and met our leader (Danzago) to find out if he is not willing to work with us he should tell us so we could find other means of livelihood but he said we should continue working and we are doing our part.


“We appeal to the Governor to look into this matter and find solution to it as we have families to cater for. Life has been difficult working without pay,” Talatu noted.

When contacted, the Managing Director, Ahmadu Haruna Zago didn’t respond to call put across to his phone number by our correspondent.

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