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Abba Kyari: Revisiting The Case Of A Supercop -By Hajia Hadiza Mohammed

Ndigbo whom I have had cause to associate with has a saying that if you don’t eat fufu because of the taste of the soup, you may lick the soup because you have to eat fufu with it. If we don’t review his case because of his invaluable contributions, we may revisit it because he still has much more to contribute to the nation in terms of crime fighting.



Abba Kyari

The history of the Nigerian Police Force since its inception in the colonial era when the first batch of about 1,200 armed paramilitary Hausa Constabulary were recruited has been an admixture of many things. Many Nigerians and concerned observers appraise the Nigerian Police Force in different ways. Those who appraise the force positively based their position on the fact that members of the force have always performed creditably well while on international duties blaming the lapses on the home front to lack of motivation. To this group, the force is a story of heroism, patriotism and commitment to duty. While to others, it is a story of corruption, human rights abuses and ineptitude. This latter group blame the failure of the force on its supposed shaky foundation and the fact that members of the force take advantage of the ignorant populace to intimidate and exploit the people.

It is indubitable that for us as country to record meaningful economic progress, there must be peace and security. And for peace and security to exist, there must be effective police force to enforce the law and provide internal security. The enforcement of the law which is critical to security and peaceful co-existence requires trained professionals with patriotic zeal. Thus, it is my opinion and I have canvassed it in different fora that combating terrorism and insecurity in Nigeria will require intelligence, the use of technology and above all the engagement of motivated and committed security personnel.

And a peep into the annals of the Nigerian Police Force will reveal that in its over a century of existence it has produced men worthy of note in character, intelligence, professionalism, performance and dedication to duty despite its observed laxities and failures. And clearly one of the finest officers of the force is Mr. Abba Kyari who was hitherto regarded as the poster boy of the force. Mr. Abba Kyari by every standard ranks as a gallant professional crime fighter of repute. He is an officer with many enviable accomplishments to the admiration and envy of many of his colleagues. There is obviously no space here to state his many heroic deeds and the high profile cases that he busted. And it is an irony of fate that one of the finest and most dedicated officers of the force, DCP Abba Kyari is languishing in Kuje Prison now due to failure on his part.


I am not writing this just because I sympathize with Mr. Abba Kyari or because I want to justify criminal misconduct but because the police force still needs him and Nigeria still needs his services. Neither am I writing to sing his eulogy or his citation as an award winning officer or the most decorated officer of the force but because sometimes it is good to be pragmatic in handling issues as delicate as Abba Kyrai’s. In advanced and well organized clime where excellence and merit are appreciated, people like Kyari are seen as special breed that should be protected especially when they are still active and still have something more to offer.

In 1982, the coach of the Italian national team Enzo Bearzot invited Paulo Rossi, the Italian football legend who just served two-year ban for betting irregularities to be part of his world cup squad Espana 82 against opposition and caustic criticism from the press. His inclusion of Paulo Rossi in his team despite his past misdemeanors was because he trusted in his ability and Paulo Rossi won the world cup for Italy almost singlehanded. There are many more instances of this kind but one will suffice here. In advanced countries people with special skills are treated with care for their services are needed for the overall good of the country.

Many think and I share in that thought that Abba Kyari is a victim. Some think he was a victim of a corrupt and unjust system that does not reward excellence and hence the temptation to fall into the trap to help himself. Some people also believe that he was a victim of distraction; that he was distracted by the attention he received as a result of his various exploits. He was a victim of success. It is believed that his successes and many accomplishments may have got the better part of him and tended to make him careless. Again, many thought that he was a victim of set-up. It is alleged in some quarters that he set up by some envious colleagues and criminals who wanted him out of the way. Whatever the case, Abba Kyari deserves leniency. It is cheery news therefore that he has been granted bail by the court in one of his cases but his case with the NDLEA should also be so treated with dispatch so that the nation can be availed of his services once again. In his heyday in charge of the IGP special squad, kidnapping and armed robbery reduced in the country and many believed that were he to be around some unresolved cases like the Kaduna train kidnap, the Uromi train kidnap, the Kuje Jailbreak attack and many other cases would have been resolved.


I am sure that Mr. Abba Kyari has learnt his lessons. The fact that he had opportunity to escape from Kuje prison during the jailbreak but did not, indicates that he could still be trusted and it is enough ground for the authorities to reconsider his case. We do not throw away the child with bath water. I think the authorities should look beyond his misdemeanor and look at what he can still offer the nation in terms of crime fighting especially in this era of acute insecurity.

Ndigbo whom I have had cause to associate with has a saying that if you don’t eat fufu because of the taste of the soup, you may lick the soup because you have to eat fufu with it. If we don’t review his case because of his invaluable contributions, we may revisit it because he still has much more to contribute to the nation in terms of crime fighting.

Hajia Hadiza Mohammed
An actress, social activist, politician London, UK

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