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Africa’s Development is NOT Revolution, Protests or Succession -By Nneka Okumazie

Development is by the people, who know how to be inspired by qualities for the good of all.
Political revolution had come many times in the past in Africa leading to nowhere.



Revolution chatter continues to dominate national politics in several countries across Africa. Revolution is seen as the path to progress and answer to underdevelopment.

But this is wrong.

For the foreseeable future, political revolution will not work in Africa.


Not because it cannot be started, it could and had in the past, but it cannot be sustained based on the ways of Africa.

Thomas Sankara and Jerry Rawlings

Thomas Sankara and Jerry Rawlings

Revolution is also similar to succession, where for many reasons some peoples or lands want to leave a nation to form their own republic.
But succession too, for now, will not work.
It is often easy to gather around the loudest ladder, add reach and voices, but there are choices that make a society progress outside the popular obvious.

In a society where a substantial fraction cannot stand for truth – in courage that defies death and ruin, without reward of acclaim, power or wealth, there is hardly what revolution or succession would do.

In a society without academic revolution, where those who know better have been designing useful insights against their problems – in workable and realistic ways for years, that society holds little hope for successful political revolution.


In a society without industry productivity revolution, where the private sector or others have been dedicated to production – for new and existing utilities for demand, that society would remain static.

There is also the need for pure passion, genuine fairness, and true selflessness – characteristic of a large part of the people – to have succession or revolution change much.
These qualities would at least guarantee that if a leader champions revolution, it will be upheld, especially by many in their corners, groups, homes or offices – who may never be known or heard of, but do it for the good of all.

If for example, there’s a society where little of these right qualities exist, the revolution would either make the leader become a tyrant or lead the leader to termination.


Sub-Saharan Africa – many centuries ago was communal, it is unlikely that many fought major wars or in preparation for it developed or sought major weapons for deterrent. It is unlikely that they explored the seas or sought new lands far away. It is unlikely that they built major projects or advances that would have brought people together – doing things for the good of all.

Qualities from these – courage, selflessness, dedication, passion for all, etc. that could have been passed on genetically and as part of the culture was missed. So it had become difficult to come close as every generation refuses to get started on those, to pass to the next.

Yes, there were things done great in Ancient Africa but wasn’t exactly directed to development.


Development is by the people, who know how to be inspired by qualities for the good of all.
Political revolution had come many times in the past in Africa leading to nowhere.

Secession too, to little difference.

There is just something about not caring for society in many.


This is likely intergenerational.

Some leaders in the community of their own people would take advantage of their own people.

The goal is often comfort, money, wealth, fame, acclaim, or advantage – for self, for group, or to benefit.


Little else matters.

Political revolution, career critics and succession agitation ignores possibilities for progress in other areas, but become bus stops of further decline. [Proverbs 30:31, The war-horse, and the he-goat, and the king when his army is with him.]

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