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An Open Letter to Governor Fubara: Navigating the Current Test in Rivers State -By John Egbeazien Oshodi

Governor Fubara, let this letter serve not as a message of support, but as a call to greatness. The road ahead is fraught with challenges, but it is also lined with opportunities to make a lasting difference. The people of Rivers look to you not just as a governor, but as a beacon of hope, a symbol of what is possible when leadership is infused with vision, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to the greater good.




crafted to align with you, your predecessor, or the self-proclaimed pro-Wike faction. It deviates sharply from such affiliations. The whispers within Rivers suggest an attempt to manipulate you, driven by the misguided belief that they are the architects of your gubernatorial position. Let this serve as a clarion call: you are a governor in the American mold, a titan wielding immense power. Neither President Tinubu, his second-in-command, nor the Senate President has the authority to overshadow you, unless you relinquish that power. Your office is a bastion of autonomy and strength. Wield it with the resolve and command it deserves!

Governor Fubara, the notion propagated about African culture mandating blind respect for elders, such as the president, vice president, and senate president, is a strategic ruse. It is a cultural pretense used to subjugate and control. You have shown deference to these so-called elders, participating in peace meetings convened by the president, only to find him siding with his APC compatriots from your state. Do not succumb to this cultural manipulation.

As they persist in their political assassination attempts, rise to the occasion. Name them, warn them, and assert your authority as a governor.


Governor Fubara, may these words take root in your spirit, and may the Cerebral Guardian envelop you in a mantle of health and understanding. You have been a sentinel for “Truth,” a sentinel whose vigilance pierces the darkness of our deepest convictions. Therefore, I affirm with a visionary conviction that those who oppose you shall be as fleeting as a passing cloud. The Carver of Fates will inscribe their eclipse into the annals of time, both in their transient form and in their influence. In the denouement of this saga, you will emerge as a bastion of victory, not just for your own acclaim, but for the advancement of those you serve. Remember, the Celestial Canticle, though it may resonate in frequencies beyond our perception, is unwavering in its harmony with truth and righteousness.

Furthermore, let the psychological repercussions of this journey be etched in the minds of all who witness your resolve. For those who stand against truth and justice, their defeat will not only be a physical eclipse, but also a disintegration of their spirit. The toll on their psyche will be as profound as the impact on their earthly endeavors, leaving them in a state of existential confusion. In contrast, your unwavering commitment to truth will bolster your mental fortitude, ensuring that your legacy is not merely one of physical triumph, but also of psychological resilience and moral integrity.

In conclusion, Governor Fubara, let this letter serve not as a message of support, but as a call to greatness. The road ahead is fraught with challenges, but it is also lined with opportunities to make a lasting difference. The people of Rivers look to you not just as a governor, but as a beacon of hope, a symbol of what is possible when leadership is infused with vision, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to the greater good. As you forge ahead, do so with the courage of your convictions, the strength of your character, and the enduring support of those who believe in you and the bright future of Rivers.

John Egbeazien Oshodi
John Egbeazien Oshodi

Professor John Egbeazien Oshodi, born in Uromi, Edo State, Nigeria, is an American-based police and prison scientist, forensic psychologist, public policy psychologist, and legal psychologist. He’s a government advisor on forensic-clinical psychological services in the USA and the founder of the Dr. John Egbeazien Oshodi Foundation for Psychological Health. With a significant role in introducing forensic psychology to Nigeria through N.U.C. and Nasarawa State University, he’s also a former Secretary-General of the Nigeria Psychological Association. He’s taught at esteemed institutions like Florida Memorial University, Florida International University, Nova Southeastern University, and more, and is currently an online faculty member at Weldios University, Nexus International University, and Walden University.

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