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Anamero And The Exceptionalities That Wouldn’t Stop -By Chris Gonoh

The real ground breaker now is his advocacy for youth to get involved in the system of contracting with the Government which has further revealed the truth that what Mr. Anamero wants for young people is nothing but sustainable growth and productivity. He is passionate about raising enterprising individuals like his own self in the trajectory of his political journey and this is also the first of it kind by a lawmaker in the history of the constituency.



At a time when a person is being rewarded by those he had influenced their break off from the shackle of hopelessness and the blockade limiting their choices and speed in life, one would think such person owes no one a good deal anymore; unlike those who use their past good deeds to guide their negligence and failure in the sense of their present, Mr. Dekeri Anamero seems to be a student of Will Wright who had once maintained that, “the reward for work well done is more work.“ This same person had nearly spent two decades in supporting communities in distress before his political birth yet, his principles of empathy, respect and inclusiveness are still reflecting with glare in his actions and overall, he seizes these array even among his colleagues at the National assembly, and this has in turn earned him admiration in the Green chambers, and in extension to the good people of Etsako Central/ East/ West constituencies which he represents.
By constant exhibitions of credence and principes, he has really endear himself to those who believe in the role of character in the quest for quality representation and it is evident that despite this goodwill, there are compounded waves of criticism, hatred and envy for him and every course he drives at. I am certain that these are simply to distract and discourage him from continuing his exceptional practices and exploits which did not just set in at the unveiling of the 10th National assembly but he is only consolidating for the constituents whom, Mr. Anamero, wants to experience a productive representation in light of his promises which he is proving and cannot be break in upon by greed nor bias.
To begin with his achievements as par his one year at the National assembly, Mr. Anamero has left his mark with the stream of socio-economic supports to youth and women across the constituency.
As of today, over ten thousand young people can brag of the indispensable West African Senior School Certificate off the back of his intervention and giving up of his personal allowance for our brothers and sisters on the streets.
That which also constitute the excellence of Anamero’s representation is his sustained presence during plenary sittings and participations in proceedings through direct and indirect contributions. As a result of his drive on ecological issues affecting his constituents at the floor of the hallowed chambers, the Deputy Speaker had on-the-spot charged the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) to make incentives available to victims whose communities were submerged by flood and the Rural Electricity Agency (REA) to mend damaged electricity wires and poles towards the restoration of power to same affected communities.
The real ground breaker now is his advocacy for youth to get involved in the system of contracting with the Government which has further revealed the truth that what Mr. Anamero wants for young people is nothing but sustainable growth and productivity. He is passionate about raising enterprising individuals like his own self in the trajectory of his political journey and this is also the first of it kind by a lawmaker in the history of the constituency.
Wonderful things are happening in Etsako federal constituency in the tract of infrastructure and facilities too; having mentioned this, I talk about deeds that directly impact those who lack the minimum essential necessities of life. With the provision of medical toolkits and materials to different healthcare centres and retail facilities owned by licensed pharmacists that sells both prescription and over-the-counter drugs, most constituents with ill health have been able to obtain remedy at subsidized costs. Only recently, Mr. Anamero commenced the construction of a water supply infrastructure in a local community in East Etsako. With the said project currently on, evaluations on water sources and it condition which is to be hosted by other areas with unclean water are soon to reach advanced stages as a water project would be sited in each of the local government areas of the federal constituency. This is one of the many testimonies of Etsako constituents.
Taking a look at the second edition of his constituency brief talk as part of him accounting for his representation at the National assembly in the past one year, it becomes vivid that Mr. Anamero is demonstrating a good energy and a submissive ‘steeze’ to those who made his aspiration and candidacy manifest after his own father in heaven. Given the foregoing, a phenomenon periodical constituency brief talk by a representative truly calls for acknowledgement as it is not yet bounded by the law for a government official to do so.
Of course, there are already countless good stories to tell in just one year of his representation at the National assembly. Luckily, he is not done yet; with the way he is still being seen sharing some developmental visions, I think he now has a new carved complete picture of the constituency in his heart. It is left for us to cheer him on for greater results and accomplishments knowing fully well, where this journey would hit at — history and history alone!
Chris Gonoh writes from the ancient city of Benin.
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