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Bandits murder the deputy vice chancellor of Sokoto varsity

Saidu of Biochemistry, until his death, was the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research Innovation and Development Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto.



Prof. Yusuf Saidu

Prof. Yusuf Saidu, the deputy vice chancellor of Usmanu Danfodiyo University in Sokoto State, was slain by several suspected bandits.

This was made clear in a post that Mohammed Sajo, a senior university employee, shared on social media on Monday.

Sajo said, “He was attacked and killed by the suspected Bandits today (Monday) on his way to Kaduna from Sokoto State.


“May Allah accept his soul and forgive his sin.

“This is a painful loss to all members of the University community, NSBMB and the Academia at large.

“A man of integrity, religion, dedication and courage,” the post added.


Saidu of Biochemistry, until his death, was the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research Innovation and Development Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto.

When PUNCH Online contacted the Police Public Relations Officer of the Nigerian Police, Sokoto State Command, ASP Ahmed Rufai, he said the incident happened in Zamfara State, not Sokoto.

Meanwhile, efforts to speak with the Zamfara State Police spokesperson, Yazid Abubakar, were not successful as the PPRO did not respond to his phone call and text messages sent to his phone at the time of publication.

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