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Be mindful of Kano politics, Buba Galadima tell Tinubu

He criticized the federal government for favoring one political faction over another in Kano, arguing that the federal government had no business influencing chieftaincy titles.



Bola Ahmed Tinubu

President Bola Tinubu has been advised by Buba Galadima, a Chieftain of the New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP), to take Kano State politics seriously.

Galadima made this claim on Monday during an interview with Arise Television.

“President Bola Tinubu and the federal government must exercise caution when dealing with Kano politics,” he declared. It will demolish his administration.


He criticized the federal government for favoring one political faction over another in Kano, arguing that the federal government had no business influencing chieftaincy titles.

The NNPP leader emphasized Kano’s people’s tenacity and resolve.

He added that he was pessimistic about the Nigeria he saw for coming generations and attributed his political changes to morality rather than self-interest.


Speaking on the past elections, Galadima recounted how the NNPP defeated its opponents despite manipulations and forceful tactics used against them.

He said in 2011 and again in 2023, the NNPP overcame these challenges to emerge victorious.

Galadima criticised the judiciary’s handling of electoral disputes, highlighting instances of alleged bias and manipulation.


He said the governor of Kano should assert his authority, even against police advice, to maintain his credibility.

He affirmed that despite police opposition, the Emir participated in the festivities, demonstrating local determination.

Galadima called for the preservation of democracy, despite its imperfections, and warned against the creation of state police, which he believes would lead to the country’s disintegration.


He criticised the current legislative body, accusing it of being composed of businessmen rather than true legislators.

The elder statesman expressed dismay over the pressing issue of self-inflicted political turmoil in Nigeria, saying Nigerians are the architects of the political problems troubling the country.

Speaking on the disposition of the electorate, Galadima stated, “If some of us could actually collect a piece of indomie worth 200 naira to vote so they could get what they bargained for, I’m disappointed.”


He expressed disappointment with both leaders and the masses, noting that even those who initially seem principled often change when given power.

He said, “A typical example is the former President, Buhari, I could have bet my life for him on certain issues.”

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