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BREAKING NEWS: Former female presidential candidate tasks Tinubu on Terrorist Attacks in Plateau State



Funmilayo Adesanya-Davies

Re: More than 120 people killed since President Tinubu’s inauguration in Nigeria

Terrorists Kill Women, Children In Fresh Attacks On Plateau State Community

We want to hear the good tidings that, INSECURITY IS GONE!”


A female presidential candidate in 2019 Bishop Prof. Funmilayo Adesanya-Davies tasks President Bola Tinubu to curb Terrorist Attacks in Plateau State, says “Mr. President, it high time Plateau State people are allowed to keep their eye closed at night.” It’s sad to read about, “Terrorists Kill Women, Children In Fresh Attacks On Plateau State Community.” We want to hear the good tidings that, ‘INSECURITY IS GONE!”

We have been assured the new federal government is capable of handling these criminals and blood thirsty demons and will be up to them to end the reign of terror in plateau communities across the state as well as in the entire country. “Please hit the ground running on insecurity as you promised,” Adesanya-Davies pleads with Mr. President.

“Therefore, I urge the president to order the security agencies to move into the area with immediate effect to curb the killings as well as the National Emergency Management Authority (NEMA) and other well-spirited organizations to also move in with relief materials for the wounded survivors of the dastard attack.”


We would recall in May, Plateau State Governor Simon Bako Lalong has assured, “We’ll End Reign Of Terror In Plateau State Soon” – Gov Lalong” in a report by Chinwendu Nnadozie on May 21, 2023, but the promise is to no avail.

Gov Lalong commenting on the series of attacks in communities by gunmen, the most recent which left about 117 people dead, several others injured and over 20,000 displaced, said the criminals have resurfaced, but will deal with them before he takes his exit from office.

The Gov added, “In the past eight years, I have tried to ensure there is peace, unfortunately I am taking my exit and the criminals are beginning to rear their heads again. I am capable of handling them before I take my exit and I will continue to pray for peace in the Plateau state.” However, he couldn’t as promised. We hereby call on President Ashiwaju Bola Tinubu to make Plateau state his pivot on insecurity in the Country.


In a report on June 14, 2023
Nigeria, we read: “More than 120 people killed since President Tinubu’s inauguration.” byResponding to the gun violence that has resulted in at least 123 deaths across Nigeria since President Bola Tinubu’s inauguration on 29 May, Isa Sanusi, Amnesty International’s Acting Nigeria Director, said:

“It is horrific that attacks by gunmen have claimed at least 123 lives mere weeks after President Bola Tinubu assumed office on 29 May. Rural communities, always bracing themselves for the next bout of violence, are facing deadly attacks by rampaging killers. Protecting lives should be the utmost priority of the new government. The Nigerian authorities must urgently take steps to stop the bloodletting.

“The brazen failure of the authorities to protect the people of Nigeria is gradually becoming the ‘norm’ in the country. The government said it will enact security measures in response to these attacks, but these promises have not translated into meaningful action that protects the lives of vulnerable communities. The Nigerian authorities have also consistently failed to carry out independent, effective, impartial and thorough investigations into these killings — and this is fuelling impunity.


“The Nigerian authorities are obliged under international human rights law, regional human rights treaties and Nigeria’s own constitution to protect the human rights of all people without discrimination — and that includes the right to life. Those suspected of criminal responsibility for these callous crimes must urgently be brought to justice in fair trials.”

Background: On 11 June in Plateau State, a gunman shot dead at least 21 people. On 9 June, gunmen killed 25 people in Katako Village, before killing another 13 individuals in Kusherki town on 10 June.

Throughout May 2023, at least 100 people were killed in various communities of Benue State. Between 15-17 May, over 100 people were killed in the Mangu region of Plateau state.


In southern Kaduna, over 100 people were killed by gunmen between December 2022 and April 2023.

Again, in a report by James Abraham and Olaide Oyeludeon the Plateau community, we read, “Terrorists defy curfew, kill five in Plateau community on
28th June 2023” Caleb Mutfwang the Plateau State Governor cries.

“Five persons have been confirmed dead following Monday evening attack by terrorists on Kerang community in the Mangu Local Government Area of Plateau State.


“The attack on the community occured despite a 24-hour curfew imposed on the LGA by the government following similar attacks by gunmen which claimed many lives in the neighbouring communities last week.

A resident of Kerang community, Joseph Kabir, confirmed the latest attack to The PUNCH in Jos on Tuesday. Kabir said among those killed was a couple, adding that the victims were given a mass burial on Tuesday morning

The resident said, “I can confirm to you that five people, including a man and his wife, were killed by terrorists between 5pm and 80pm on 26/06/2023 in Sohon Kerang Community of Kerang District Mangu Local Government.


“We thought that with the declaration of curfew by the government, security agents would be able to stop the terrorists from killing innocent residents.

“But the gunmen came to the community, which is behind the SWAN water Company Ltd, located at Kerang community by 5pm firing gun shots, which led to the killing of victims.

“They escaped into the bush after carrying out their evil act. It was this (Tuesday) morning that the corpses of the victims were discovered by residents who have been thrown into mourning. The victims were given mass burial this morning.”


The spokesman for the Plateau State Police Command, Alabo Alfred, was yet to make public statement regarding the incident as at the time of filing this report.

Similarly, terrorists again on attacked Ruwan Dorawan village, Dutsinma Local Government Area of Katsina State where they had fierce encounter with the police who subsequently repelled them.

The police killed one of the terrorists and recovered one GPMG with 58 rounds of 7.62 MM X 51 MM live ammunition, during the incident, which occured at 11am. The spokesman for the Katsina State Police Command, Abubakar Aliyu, confirmed the incident on Tuesday.


He said, “On the 26th of June, 2023, at about 11am, the command received a report that terrorists, bandits in their numbers, armed with lethal weapons, such as GPMG and AK-47 rifles, shooting sporadically, attacked Ruwan Dorawa village, Dutsinma Local Government Area.

“Unhesitatingly, the Area Commander, along with DPO Dutsinma Division, led a team of Police operatives to the scene and engaged the terrorist in a fierce gun duel, as a result of which they were forced to abandon their heinous mission.”

Meanwhile the command disclosed that it had commenced investigation into Sunday night terrorists’ attack in the Dan Musa Local Government Area where the head of vigilante group was killed. The terrorists had swooped on the community during Sunday night downpour and killed the vigilante head i


Similarly, over 100 killed in Plateau in 48 hours — A Lawmaker raises alarm. The lawmaker says terrorists have killed over 400 people in Mangu/Bokkos federal constituency of Plateau State in the last four years in another report by Bakare Majeed on May 17, 2023.

A member of the House of Representatives, Solomon Maren, says over 100 persons have been killed by terrorists in Plateau State within the last 48 hours.

Mr Maren, who represents Mangu/Bokkos federal constituency in the North-central state, said this at a press conference at the National Assembly Complex in Abuja on Wednesday. He said the killings happened in his constituency during attacks at different times on villages in the area.


The lawmaker said the attackers also burnt houses, farms and stored agricultural inputs, adding that the latest attacks took the death toll to 200 in the past four months.
Mr. Maren expressed dissatisfaction with the effort of the federal government in providing security for the people of the state. He said the miliary has not been well-equipped to battle the terrorists.

“I find it expedient at this time to intimate the world on the unfortunate happenings in my constituency, Mangu/Bokkos federal constituency of Plateau state,. In the last two days, over 100 persons, most of them women and children, have been massacred and butchered in cold blood by terrorists during an overnight unprovoked attack and their houses burnt down, including foodstuff, food barns and seedlings. “These killings are one among many in the constituency, where over 200 persons have been killed in the last four months before this one.

“Government may claim to be doing its best but its best is not good enough, since it is not able to stop the killings in years. However, I commend the few gallant officers working without sufficient arms, yet gave themselves to save lives,” he said.


To provide reprieve for the victims, Mr. Maren urged relevant government agencies to provide relief material for the people.

“The responsibility lies in the president to first condemn the dastardly act, which we expect him to do so and immediately go ahead to protect lives and properties which is the primary responsibility of the government.

“While urging for support across boards, I condemn the attack in its entirety and call for calm and no one should take the law into their hands, I commiserate with the government and people of plateau state, the Miskhakam Mwagavul, the Governor-Elect of Plateau State and indeed the Chairman of Mangu LGA on the attack and pray for the repose of the souls of those killed.


Adesanya-Davies concludes, “We want to hear the good tidings that, ‘INSECURITY IS GONE!” We want to hear the good tidings that, ‘INSECURITY IS GONE IN PLATEAU STATE!!” We want to hear the good tidings that, ‘INSECURITY IS GONE IN NIGERIA!!!”

Read more…

BREAKING: Govt Declares Curfew As Terrorists Attack Plateau Communities


Over 100 killed in Plateau in 48 hours — Lawmaker raises alarm

We’ll End Reign Of Terror In Plateau State Soon – Gov Lalong

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