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Capital market, stock exchange and stakeholders’ challenge -By Sheriffdeen Tella

Some of these nefarious activities have resulted in the huge unclaimed dividend that the Federal Government has shown interest in acquiring in its quest for free funds. The unclaimed fund should belong to the companies involved as part of their retained earnings. It is possible that some of the shareholders can resurrect to claim their dividends if proper information and enlightenment are made public and financial literacy improves.



Professor Sheriffdeen Tella

Capital market as part of the financial architecture of an economy remain a major platform for raising funds for development. This is not just for industrial sector development but also for other sectors of the economy, namely: primary, tertiary, quarternary and quinary sectors. For clarity, the primary sector refers to production relating to agriculture and extractive activities while the secondary sector consists of manufacturing and construction industries and is often regarded as the mover and shaker of the other sectors because of the forward and backward linkages the sector offers. That is why we often hear of industrialised countries as another name for advanced economies.

Tertiary sector refers to the service industry with banking, insurance, and maritime as examples while quaternary is mainly information services, including the various media outfits, and quinary sector is where human services belong. It is important to note that industry consists of several different firms producing or selling similar products and is often broadly categorised into consumer goods and capital goods industries but more importantly is the fact that businesses in each of the five sectors are generally referred to as industries. It is, therefore, not surprising that there are discussions around the education industry or agricultural industry but the distinguishing nomenclature for the secondary sector is manufacturing rather than the word – industrial sector.

However, the capital market accommodates all businesses that want to participate in its activities. Another confusing categorisation is equating the capital market with the stock market. Technically, all sources of medium to long term funds belong to the capital market, implying that stock market is a subset of the capital market and that is our concern here. It is the market that deals with issues relating to shares and dividends of companies that are listed on its platform.


The Nigerian indigenisation programme in early 1970 alerted large numbers of elites, particularly top-level civil servants, to the importance of company shares. Notwithstanding, the growth of the stock market had been rather slow until the banking boom in the mid-1990s and in 2004 during the Soludo consolidation in the banking sector when banks were forced to raise their capital to N25 billion from a meagre N2.5 billion. The exercise sent many banks to the stock market to raise funds. The action popularised the existence and activities of the stock market among the populace. Banks that could not raise funds after many visits to the stock market or meet up with the requirements had to merge or become acquired. Stock or share prices were rising with announcements of every merger or acquisition and citizens as well as foreigners were gladly and freely purchasing the shares of the banks. Eventually, the banking industry, with about 90 banks at the initial stage of the consolidation exercise, ended up with just 24 banks but new shareholders were happy receiving good dividends.

However, the global financial crisis of 2008/2009 exposed the dangers inherent in the stock market. Sometimes, the fund in the stock market is referred to as hot money. This is because individuals invest their funds in order to increase their capital gains within a short term and the returns fluctuate widely or unpredictably in reaction to market forces. Many Nigerians were not aware of the unpredictability of the returns on investments in the stock market and were, therefore, caught unprepared when the share prices plummeted deeply during the global crisis. It left many devastated till today. The vibrancy of the market dimmed and its credibility also became highly questionable. This was because many Nigerians did not know that a stock market is a platform where one can make millions within a day and lose double the amount in another day as if one is involved in gambling, whereas it is an organised and well-regulated market but can be volatile in reaction, even to new items.

Despite innovations over time by the Security and Exchange Commission, the regulatory body, to regain vibrancy, the market remains largely unattractive even to existing shareholders due to some malpractices. Many people that still have shares, who get meagre dividends or no dividends at all, have become disillusioned about what is going on in their companies. Activities of the major stakeholders, besides shareholders, have not been transparent and encouraging. The Security and Exchange Commission does not just have to deal with the stock exchange and its dealers but also all categories of shareholders.


Apart from the fall out of the global financial crisis which many countries, especially the advanced and emerging economies, have put behind long ago the Board of Directors of many of the Nigerian businesses started by failing to hold regular annual general meetings with members of the board overstaying their relevance and declaring zero dividends, even when some profits were made. Thereafter, they started holding meetings far from where the majority of their shareholders resided. Until many vocal shareholders associations started complaining, most meetings were held in Abuja when the majority of shareholders live in Lagos and its environs where the company’s head office is located. Those activities killed the morale of shareholders and potential ones that might want to try the market.

Just before the COVID-19 pandemic, many annual general meetings were returning close to the head offices of the businesses. In the present circumstances, which can be tagged post-COVID-19, the new normal is to keep the small shareholders at bay by invoking the COVID-19 protocols and asking people to keep away and watch activities online even when they know most of these people cannot afford online credits to do so.  Actually many companies still find it difficult to hold meetings for no just cause, even if it is to declare losses. What can the Security and Exchange Commission do in this case?

Dividends are quickly paid these days but shareholders can be short-changed and they do not know whom to complain to. Some can own shares worth 10,000 units, which were purchased at different times and when dividend is paid, some share units are left unpaid. These are part of the experiences that can be shared at annual general meetings but deliberate constraints are often imposed on attendance. In many cases, when those who are financially literate complain to the registrars of the companies concerned, they rarely get a reply. The registrars would prefer you visit their offices in Lagos or Abuja even if you live in Sokoto or Cross River State! When stockbrokers are involved with the share and dividend issues, you may find them unhelpful as it seems there is a wedge between and among official participants in the stock market.


Some of these nefarious activities have resulted in the huge unclaimed dividend that the Federal Government has shown interest in acquiring in its quest for free funds. The unclaimed fund should belong to the companies involved as part of their retained earnings. It is possible that some of the shareholders can resurrect to claim their dividends if proper information and enlightenment are made public and financial literacy improves. Will the government be ready to refund? Government has no business in acquiring private wealth, which was the outcome of legal production processes.

The need to grow or rekindle the interests of citizens in participating in the stock market activities has become imperative in the quest to improve domestic mobilisation of long-term funds for investments. If we compare the gross domestic product per capita of the Nigerian Stock Exchange with that of South Africa, which shares number one or two positions economically with Nigeria, we will find that the Nigerian stock market is undercapitalised. This implies that our stock market is not having adequate patronage or not raising sufficient capital for development, particularly for the private sector. The SEC will have to come out strong to ensure transparency and accountability in the conduct of the stock market and among the listed firms with respect to sincerity in dividend and related payments to shareholders, promote financial literacy among citizens and be involved in continuous reforms in the capital market sharing ideas with the Central Bank of Nigeria.

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