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Dr. Olufumulayo’s Acquittal & The Clearly Misguided Feminist Movement -By Ifeanyichukwu George

We must not misconstrue the many genuine cases of sexual abuse to mean that every allegation of abuse is genuine. And if we must so misconstrue, then it must create room to assume that every allegation on the basis of gender is false or at best; mere accusation until proven otherwise. Finally, let me congratulate the UK courts for been up-and-doing and to urge countries of Africa and, especially Nigeria to emulate correctly by getting out of the emotional ditch they descended to with own version of the feminist movement.



Dr. Olufumilayo Ogunsanya
Dr. Olufumilayo Ogunsanya

Once upon a time, it was seen as healthy and very appropriate for society to take steps to protect her vulnerable. It was the right thing to do then and, it is still the right thing to do today particularly because vulnerability is a term with a very wide spectrum which if localized on the basis of the many abuses of its essence, may lead to error of judgment on society’s part. But there is no doubt that the feminist movement has lost its argument!

Not a few of us were aghast at the eventual realization that the rape accusation story which was leveled against Benjamin Mendy – a French professional footballer who last played for Manchester City football club before he was arrested on the allegations of multiple sexual offences and, later suspended by his club – by the Cheshire Constabulary on August 26th of 2021 were all blatant lies that didn’t stick.

To think that another feminist had come out to fool the whole human society again was greatly annoying. But what annoys one the most is the fact that as always society lost the same vigor with which it prosecuted Mendy now that it had to prosecute Mendy’s accuser! This soft spot that society held for feminism has no doubt created a fertile ground for toxic women to now use their vaginas (which they think held any power over their man) to raise false alarms.


Just yesterday, another important case was decided in the favor of a UK-based Dr. Olufumilayo Ogunsanya – who is a Twitter influencer and medical doctor. Now, this young man doctor had landed in the traps of the feminist movement without knowing in his attempt to help Dr. Bolanle Aseyan; now ex-girlfriend, who in her school days back in Nigeria was once suspended for falsely accusing a fellow student of sexual assault.

As stated above, once acquitted society only heaves a sigh of relieve and put the story in the past. As usual, no one is talking about the great torture and sufferings that the mental health of Mendy and Olufumilayo was subjected through while they fought the greatest battles of their lives. Perhaps, this is so because they are men and, lived in a society that cared less about men because they thought that men are robots who cannot be emotionally injured.

Or perhaps, no one is talking because society is now firmly in the apron of the global feminist movement that is now very clearly misguided in their argument. It is on record that although every year, more women contemplated suicide but more men ended up with completing the act of killing selves. What our society has failed to stand up to is the fact that remaining indolent and unwilling to balance this feminist protection is deadly.


We must not forget that this kind of false accusations has been with and in Africa since the days of Potiphar’s wife! And what happened to the young Hebrew boy – Joseph – still happened to many young, agile, innocent, responsible and hard working men today. Even in the guise of sexual and gender-based violence; there are many young men whose images are tarnished for no just cause.

If protecting the vulnerable is really understood and put in the correct context, then every member of society as it were is vulnerable. For this reason, it is crazy to protect one gender at the expense of the other! Look at our marriages today and you’ll want to just cry at the depth of irrationality that is permitted to the detriment of our innocent children.

A man decides to marry a woman and realizes from the start that what he plans to get into demanded great sacrifice. Based on that, he puts on hold – for instance – his financial/personal aspiration of say; building a great duplex in Banana Island before marriage and goes on to marry. On her part, she accepts his proposal of marriage and did not realize that her decision to marry him demanded some level of sacrifice from her!


So, while the man now divided his earning to include the needs of his wife because he is committed to her instead of going ahead with his dreams of a duplex; the wife does not think that her husband deserved her love and body as incentive for choosing her over his plans for a house on the Island. Eventually, the man begins to feel like the investor who didn’t invest wisely and so must suffer the consequences!

Tell me, if this man had preferred to invest in his goals of getting a duplex for himself on Banana Island; would he have failed to benefit from that investment financially and emotionally and in a rich manner at that? The answer is no! That investment would no doubt make him very rich and happy. Unfortunately, with the concept of feminism, the Holy Bible’s strong dictate in Proverbs 14:1 which places the responsibility of building the home on the woman is foreclosed!

Everyone knows that a builder is the one who should adjust in order to adapt to the changing prices of construction materials and not the other way around! In today’s marriage, men continue to adjust while the women took up the spaces as though it was an entitlement. That said, with the respective judgments of Mendy and Dr. Olufumilayo coming almost in the same season; there is no doubt that society needs to create {if there’s none} or make alive {if one existed} a strong law that criminalizes false accusation against persons on the basis of gender.


We must not misconstrue the many genuine cases of sexual abuse to mean that every allegation of abuse is genuine. And if we must so misconstrue, then it must create room to assume that every allegation on the basis of gender is false or at best; mere accusation until proven otherwise. Finally, let me congratulate the UK courts for been up-and-doing and to urge countries of Africa and, especially Nigeria to emulate correctly by getting out of the emotional ditch they descended to with own version of the feminist movement.

Amb. Ifeanyichukwu George is an emotional intelligence advocate & ED, SASPI; Africa. 08062577718

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