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Hajia Hadiza Mohammed: A Tribute To The Golden Lady -By Stan Uzoma

Hajia Hadiza is a woman of great virtues, a sweet mother, a caring and a faithful wife, a woman of principles and intelligence an ambassador of peace and conflict manager. She is a woman leader of simple and unassuming disposition known for his sunny smiles and cheerful disposition. She is a coach and a mentor and counselor who always identify with what is right and with his people.



Hajia Hadiza Mohammed

In this era of intense struggle, hustling and hankering for wealth and material acquisition; era of narcissism and self-love, it is a thing of joy to identify and associate with one who is selfless and accommodating. When it comes to care and humanitarian services, the likes of Hajia Hadiza Mohammed is nonpareil. She is a rare gem, a precious pearl.

Dije as she is fondly called by those around her is a thoroughbred Nigerian. Born in the West of a Fulani parentage and trained and married in the East. She lives and works in UK where she operates overseeing the affairs of many projects at home. Her life revolves around humanity. She thinks the whole purpose of life is service; service to others especially the vulnerable groups in the society. She coordinates the activities of some not-for-profit organizations that cater for the affairs of the girl-child, the widows, orphans and the others in the society; providing support, training and empowerment.

She is an activist per excellence and a dogged fighter for what she believes in. This explains her incursion into partisan politics. She believes politics should not be for self-enrichment but for service to the people. She was of the opinion that politics should not be left for in the hands of never-do-wells and that good people should participate in politics in order to sanitize the polity.


Hajia Hadiza is a politician with a difference. Her incursion into partisan politics is borne out her desire to influence public policy for good governance in Nigeria. She is one of the Diaspora Nigerians and yet she keeps tabs of what is happening within the country because of her love for the country. She believes in consensus building, interest aggregation, multiculturalism and inclusive government. She says that her dream is to influence policies that will make Nigeria build strong institutions and develop workable systems that will cater for the interest of all.

Today, the 10th day of June is your birthday. As we celebrate with you, we rejoice when we take stock of your enormous contributions to humanity. From Sokoto, your native community to Asaba where you were trained to Lagos and London your place of abode, you left your footprint in the sand of time; you touched lives and make people happy.

Hajia Hadiza you are an Amazon, a lady of many parts, a lady of ladies! A golden lady that others ladies admire and want to be like her. Hajia is a reputed philanthropist and an accomplished achiever who have committed her time, resources and skills for the service of others. Yes, you were a philanthropist per excellence devoted to the poor, the needy and the vulnerable. You cared for the poor, the orphans and the widows. You were a pillar of hope to those around, an ambassador of peace committed to the welfare and wellbeing of everybody around you.


Hajia Hadiza is a woman of great virtues, a sweet mother, a caring and a faithful wife, a woman of principles and intelligence an ambassador of peace and conflict manager. She is a woman leader of simple and unassuming disposition known for his sunny smiles and cheerful disposition. She is a coach and a mentor and counselor who always identify with what is right and with his people.

Hajia Hadiza Mohammed is a woman of many parts whose career and vocation traversed many fields of human endeavors: politics, business, entertainment and philanthropy and humanitarian services. She is indeed a rare breed. She is an ardent believer in philanthropy and humanitarian service. To her life is about touching others in a positive way. Skills and material possession are useless if not deployed in the service of humanity.

Dije is an actress, an activist and public affairs commentator. She is a popular face in Nollywood and Kannywood movies. She has inspired many and has taken part in many projects to identify and develop talents for the Nigerian entertainment sector. She is an advocate and columnist who has written many insightful essays in the field of politics and public policy. She is an ardent advocate of democracy and good governance.


And for her roles and lofty deeds, she has many awards to show for it. Among others, she has the traditional title of Jagaban from her people. The Jagaban Hajia Hadiza Mohammed is an ambassador of peace, who has inspired many by her kind deeds, forthrightness and advocacy. And she celebrates today, I join the thousands of her admirers and followers globally to wish the golden lady a happy birthday.

Yes, as you mark your natal day today, I join thousands of your numerous friends, relations, colleagues and admirers in Asaba, Sokoto, Lagos, Abuja and across the nation to say congratulations to a patriot and a detribalized Nigeria. We are proud of your life accomplishments, your life of courage, faith and hope. We are inspired by your good deeds, your love for humanity, your values and virtues, your forthrightness and sense of responsibility and patriotism. Congratulations!

Stan Uzoma

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