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How Far Can Arewa Go? -By Sanni Inuwa Baba

There are many ways to make things right before it consumes the last one in the entire area. And this can’t not be achieved by a single person or a specific action alone. But it must be a collective task, a joint and purpose contribution to any meaningful Northerner no matter his/her level in the society.



Arewa group wants Igbos to have Biafra

Many prominent Nigerians and and concerned foreigners have spoken many times extensively of the issues ravaging the Northern Nigeria especially of recent but things have only been going worse. What is being faced today in this one time a blessed region now seems to have no visible solution or everyone decides to wait for miracles to come from above.
The region contains almost every resources to make it a challenger with most African countries who are at the top of the continent’s table. For instance, Arewa, has bigger agricultural land more than South Africa and Egypt put together. It has about 60 functional universities, that is more than what most African countries can ever dream to maintain, an extreme number of Human Resources which includes world recognized doctors, Engineers and leaders of many International Institutions.

It is arguable that most of the businesses in the North are petite income earners ranging from thousands of shoe shiners, tailors and small shop owners as well as renowned billionaires. For conversation purposes, It should be noted that the least a shoe shiner gets a day is a thousand Naira being more than the minimum wage of many states in the country. One will simply ask the normal question- why is poverty ravaging every nook and cranny of the region.

Although the North has more visitors inhabiting than any part of the country, the Northerners on regularly basis on social media, restaurants, workplaces and anywhere a discussion of failure arises face backlashes for dragging the country backward. They are seen as ignorant, illiterates and lazy, who only rely on the National cake for survival. In some delicate situations, seen as those that can’t, don’t or will not demand from the leaders the elected in to power to put the region where it should belong. Some say they are just relaxed and allowing whatever that will be, be.


Whatever the reason above mentioned, whether true, misunderstandings or misconceptions, we need to get our acts right as it’s very obvious something somewhere is so wrong.

There are many ways to make things right before it consumes the last one in the entire area. And this can’t not be achieved by a single person or a specific action alone. But it must be a collective task, a joint and purpose contribution to any meaningful Northerner no matter his/her level in the society.

Amongst my prayers is the urgent need to realize with deep reasoning that Arewa is falling. But as it crashes with many inside, there’s still a denial by many. Many Northerners believe it to be politically driven and/or believing that conspiracy is being mounted against them. At the same time, it will be understood that we have a huge political base amongst others in the society. It is ok to believe of having a political ground because of the numbers but what is the need of having a leader who doesn’t listen to the cries of its people. And what is the importance of the number since it can’t appropriately elect or select a reliable and knowledgeable person that can address the underlying issues? The Northerners must understand that the leaders they vote, be he the President, Governor, Senate, House of Reps Member, chairman, House of Assembly Member, a chairman of a local Government or a councillor works for them. It is very crucial to understand this. Knowing this will not only allow one to elect credible candidates but giving one all it takes to demand for the right actions after elections. So if the population’s purpose is to elect a person alone, the North has to change strategy.


Another critical issue starts from the houses. Most of the issues we are having today are the seeds planted 20-30 years ago. Initially, the region was so organized that when a bad person was sighted within a small community, he will be fished out with no delay by the communities. There was a law from the grassroots and everyone knew that it was everyone’s responsibility to secure the community. Children were sent to schools as organized Almajiri schools where they would go with their belongings. The beautiful culture has since been thrown and many parents use that to run away from their responsibilities allowing children of very tender ages to be on the streets. Knowing quite well that if one doesn’t take care of his kids, the streets will-usually in a very bad way. These innocent children never asked of this way of life and it’s not the public’s job neither that of the government to nourish what belongs to someone.

The popular believe that a specific tribe is more important to occupy a territory is a major concern to peaceful coexistence in not just the Northern Nigeria but the entire Africa. This narrative has to change. And of course, immediately. No business strives where chaos exists. History has shown and proved that the most successful communities are the most peaceful ones. No investor will dare bring his resources to where that it’s not peaceful. No one. The past glories of the North can only be linked with its peaceful nature. This is amongst the major reasons why most people chose to migrate to the North. The insecurity being the major problem will never come to an end if the Northerners, unminding their classes refuse to be involved. It can only be collective. Today, we are saying that the terrorists who are currently on a killing rampage in most of the states are foreigners. Yes, it’s possible. But I stand to be corrected that most of them are locals.

An important office but abandoned is the the Mai Anguwa. He acted as the law within the smaller community. It was easier for him because he was very close to the people. He couldn’t literally finger who was a visitor with mischievous character as well as the prodigal sons. Now that the office of “mai Anguwa” is almost irrelevant, the roles of a chairman and a Councillor cannot be over emphasized in creating a peaceful and economically driven environment as he/Sh is closer to the people and has a first-hand understanding of the people. The governors in the region can easily make the offices of mai Anguwa very relevant. Governance has to touch the bottom of the system in order to have a long lasting impact on the community.


Finally, the spirit of tolerance will go a long way. We must respect the way and manner others do whatever they like, acknowledge the differences in their cultural and religious perspective. It’s not necessary that everyone must have the same points of view neither should be anyone’s responsibility to correct another’s frame of mind or approach.

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