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How Live People With the Greatest Populations: Top 5 Countries All Over the World

India is second in genetic and linguistic diversity only to African countries combined. According to different data about 200 ethnic groups coexist in the country. That’s why an unprecedented number of “major” languages – 21 – are enshrined in the Constitution, and each is spoken by large groups of people. And there are more than a thousand and a half dialects. English in the former British colony has the status of an “auxiliary official language” even today.



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There are only two countries on the planet today that are home to over one billion people. China is the country with the largest population in the world. India is breathing down its neck the same way the number of members of a betting apk Uganda is following the number of its site visitors. In March, this year in the Internet there was even circulated the message that the Indians have allegedly already surpassed the Chinese, reaching 1.32 billion people against 1.29. This sparked a wave of outrage in the Middle Kingdom, where the leadership is struggling to reduce the birth rate.


The Celestial Empire has over 50 nationalities with their customs and often even their language, but they make up only about 7% of the population. The vast majority of the rest are ethnic Chinese, who call themselves Han.

According to data since 1990, the population has grown steadily by an average of 50 million people – that is, about a third of our country’s population arrives there every year.


Since the late 1970s, the Chinese authorities switched to a policy of restricting the birth rate; its severity varies from region to region. For example, somewhere a second child can be had by parents from an ethnic minority, or those who were themselves only children, families from rural areas, or those who first had a child with disabilities.

Such policies are resisted, especially in villages where families need more workers. Parents who have more than one child often lie in the census.


The second most populous country in the world is rapidly catching up with China, narrowing the gap from 91 million to 24 million in seven years. According to experts, at this rate of growth, the Indians may indeed be in first place as early as 2023-2026.


India is second in genetic and linguistic diversity only to African countries combined. According to different data about 200 ethnic groups coexist in the country. That’s why an unprecedented number of “major” languages – 21 – are enshrined in the Constitution, and each is spoken by large groups of people. And there are more than a thousand and a half dialects. English in the former British colony has the status of an “auxiliary official language” even today.

New Delhi is not the most densely populated because it is only a small area of another city, Delhi. Mumbai has the most inhabitants. At the same time, almost 3/4 of the country’s population live in villages.


In the western hemisphere, the largest population in the world starts with the United States of America. Four percent of humanity lives there. The superpower is made up of 50 states, of which California is the most populous.


Separated from the mainland by Canada, Alaska is the largest state with the lowest population density. The once Russian peninsula is still home to descendants of Russians, about 3% understand Russian, and about 8.5% practice Orthodox Christianity, among other nationalities.

Only 1.6% of all U.S. residents today are Native Americans – the continent’s indigenous peoples. These are representatives of 567 Indian tribes which number 5 million people. Not so long ago, until the 1920s, they had no civil rights in their own historic homeland.


The state occupies 17,804 islands of the Malay Archipelago and western New Guinea. Only 6,000 of them are inhabited. The islands managed to accommodate 18 cities of millions, the largest being Jakarta, where more than 10.5 million people live.


Although the official language is Indonesian, the inhabitants have more than 700 dialects, including Papuans. Indonesia is also the largest Muslim country in the world, with 88% of the population practicing this religion.


The land of sands and ancient civilizations is the second-largest Muslim country after Indonesia and the fifth most populous in the world. Ninety-one percent of its inhabitants practice Sunni Islam, which is recognized as the state religion, and another 5% are Shiites.

The population has more than 60 languages and dialects, the official languages are Urdu and English, which Pakistanis don’t really speak.


Because of poverty in the country, child labor is actively used. On an average day’s wage of about $6, a Pakistani supports 9-10 relatives. This forces the sending of children to work: according to a 1996 study, 11 million children aged 4-5 and older were working in Pakistan.

The low level of education also contributes to this state of affairs, but there are also opposite examples: for example, the youngest employee of the international company Microsoft today is a Pakistani.

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