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Indigenes as Catalysts: State Police and Rethinking Security in Katsina and Beyond -By John Egbeazien Oshodi

A lasting solution to the security challenges in Northern Nigeria must tackle the underlying causes of insurgency and terrorism. This entails investing in socio-economic development to provide opportunities for youth, who are often lured by extremist groups.



John Egbeazien Oshodi

The tragic ambush in Katsina State on July 1, 2024, which reportedly claimed the lives of five police officers, serves as a stark reminder of the security challenges plaguing Northern Nigeria. This incident, symptomatic of a wider pattern of violence, underscores the urgent need for a reimagined security framework that prioritizes local expertise, cultural empathy, and community involvement.

The integration of local indigenes into state police forces is not merely a strategic choice but a fundamental necessity for effective security operations. These individuals possess an intimate knowledge of the local geography, including the most treacherous routes and potential hideouts of criminal elements. Their fluency in local languages and dialects is invaluable for effective communication and intelligence gathering. Furthermore, their deep understanding of local customs, religions, and community dynamics allows them to handle delicate situations with cultural finesse, thereby building trust and fostering cooperation within the community.

In the context of diverse communities, cultural sensitivity is not just an aspiration but a prerequisite for successful policing. It ensures that law enforcement actions are carried out with respect for local traditions and beliefs, avoiding cultural misunderstandings that could lead to conflict. Community policing, anchored in these principles, promotes a dialogue and partnership between the police and the public, enhancing the visibility and accessibility of the police while empowering communities to take an active role in their own safety and security.


The psychological health of security personnel, frequently neglected, is critical for their performance and endurance in high-pressure environments. Comprehensive support services, including counseling and resilience training, are indispensable for mitigating the effects of trauma and stress. These services not only support the mental well-being of officers but also bolster the overall resilience of the security forces, enabling them to better serve their communities.

Enhancing intelligence capabilities is critical for preempting attacks and dismantling terrorist networks. The integration of cutting-edge technology, such as advanced surveillance systems and sophisticated data analytics, with well-established human intelligence networks can construct an impenetrable barrier against security threats. This combination allows for the proactive detection of potential dangers and the strategic allocation of resources to counteract them.

Collaboration with military, intelligence, and international security agencies is vital for the fluid sharing of information, resources, and expertise in counter-terrorism and insurgency operations. Such partnerships create a cohesive defense against terrorism, drawing on the collective knowledge and experience of diverse organizations to amplify security effectiveness.


The intricate nature of insurgency and terrorism, especially the insidious presence of insurgents within communities, necessitates culturally sensitive psychological, integrity, truth, and family background assessments for recruits. These evaluations are essential to ensure that individuals joining state police and security forces, particularly those with deep local knowledge, are reliable and not secretly affiliated with criminal or terrorist entities. Such vetting processes contribute to the development of a state police force that is not only proficient in its duties but also maintains the trust and endorsement of the communities it protects.

A lasting solution to the security challenges in Northern Nigeria must tackle the underlying causes of insurgency and terrorism. This entails investing in socio-economic development to provide opportunities for youth, who are often lured by extremist groups. Environmental policies aimed at addressing climate change and resource scarcity can also alleviate conflicts and diminish the attractiveness of extremist ideologies.

The creation of state police forces must be coupled with stringent legislation and oversight mechanisms to safeguard against abuse of power. State assemblies should enact laws that clearly delineate the powers and responsibilities of state police, ensuring they operate within the legal framework. Independent oversight bodies should be established to monitor the activities of state police forces, guaranteeing accountability and transparency. These measures are crucial to prevent the misuse of state police by governors or other officials and to maintain the trust of the community.


In conclusion, the quest for peace and security in Northern Nigeria and throughout the nation’s regions is a complex and multifaceted challenge. It calls for a strategic approach that not only taps into the wisdom and confidence of local residents but also fosters a profound appreciation for cultural diversity and active community participation. This strategy must also confront the underlying sources of insecurity, such as socio-economic inequalities and environmental stressors that frequently ignite conflict and unrest.

A key element of this strategy is the investment in local communities, which goes beyond mere financial support to include empowering local populations through education, job opportunities, and resource access. By bolstering local economies and offering prospects for the youth, the allure of extremist ideologies can be reduced, and communities can be shielded against the dangers of insurgency and terrorism.

Strengthening intelligence and fostering collaboration is another crucial dimension of this approach. This entails the melding of cutting-edge technology with human intelligence networks to improve the ability to identify and respond to threats. Working together with military, intelligence, and international security entities is vital for the exchange of information, resources, and effective practices in combating terrorism and insurgency. Such collaborations can result in a more unified and potent security stance.


Promoting well-regulated and accountable state police forces is fundamental to constructing a secure and resilient Nigeria. This involves the creation of state police forces that are attuned to the needs of their communities, adhere to legal frameworks, and are held accountable through oversight mechanisms. By guaranteeing that state police forces are well-prepared, adequately equipped, and governed by principles of justice and fairness, they can serve as a linchpin in upholding peace and security at the grassroots level.

In the end, the road to peace and security in Nigeria is one that must be navigated with a thorough comprehension of the nation’s rich cultural tapestry, vibrant communities, and the myriad challenges they face. It is a journey that necessitates the concerted efforts of the government, security institutions, community leaders, and the international community. Through united action and a dedication to tackling the root causes of insecurity, Nigeria can chart a course toward a more secure and resilient future for all its people.

Professor John Egbeazien Oshodi, born in Uromi, Edo State, Nigeria, is an American-based police and prison scientist, forensic psychologist, public policy psychologist, and legal psychologist. He’s a government advisor on forensic-clinical psychological services in the USA and the founder of the Dr. John Egbeazien Oshodi Foundation for Psychological Health. With a significant role in introducing forensic psychology to Nigeria through N.U.C. and Nasarawa State University, he’s also a former Secretary-General of the Nigeria Psychological Association. He’s taught at esteemed institutions like Florida Memorial University, Florida International University, Nova Southeastern University, and more, and is currently an online faculty member at Weldios University, Nexus International University, and Walden University.

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