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JUST IN: Teenager bags life imprisonment for murder of 14-year-old boy in UK

Judge Munro said, “The serious nature and increasing prevalence of knife crime, knife-related homicide and violent crime…; the consequent need for deterrence; the promotion of public confidence that the criminal justice system is addressing the problem; and the proximity of the defendant’s 18th birthday… all outweigh any minimal impact upon the welfare of defendant.”



Marques Walker

A teenager, Marques Walker has been sentenced to life in prison for the murder of a “defenceless” 14-year-old boy, Jermaine Cools in the United Kingdom.

The 17-year-old Walker stabbed Cools to death on the ground outside a chicken shop in Croydon, south London, according to Sky News.

The incident which happened on 18th November, 2021 made Cools the youngest victim of a fatal knife crime in that year. 


Walker was sentenced to life imprisonment on Tuesday, with a minimum of 19 years behind bars, excluding the 497 days he has already spent in custody.

His sentencing was the first time a juvenile murderer has been handed down their punishment at the Old Bailey on television in England and Wales following a successful legal challenge by the media, Sky News said.

At the time of the killing, Walker, then aged 16, was on bail for carrying a large knife, the Old Bailey was told.


Earlier this year, Walker pleaded guilty to Cools’ murder and possessing a knife.

Judge Sarah Munro KC said he had earlier said he was not guilty but later changed his plea.

The impact of “defenceless” Jermaine’s violent death was “immeasurable”, the judge added during Walker’s sentencing.


She said Walker had a large machete hidden under his clothing on the night of the killing and added that he and his group were clearly “geared up” for violence.

Walker stabbed Cools “mercilessly” seven times and “intended to kill” his victim, the judge said.

The murderer fled the area and went into hiding for six weeks but police found him by chance during another search.


Walker’s repeated possession of knives was mentioned a number of times by the judge during his sentencing.

Judge Munro said, “The serious nature and increasing prevalence of knife crime, knife-related homicide and violent crime…; the consequent need for deterrence; the promotion of public confidence that the criminal justice system is addressing the problem; and the proximity of the defendant’s 18th birthday… all outweigh any minimal impact upon the welfare of defendant.”

Cools died following a fight involving a number of people on London Road, near West Croydon station.


Walker was caught on CCTV calmly walking towards the fight and drawing a large knife from his coat.

Cools appeared to fall over and the youth ran towards him while he was on the ground. He received multiple stab wounds and the defendant ran off from the scene with the knife.

A member of the public approached Jermaine, who was bleeding heavily, helped him into a car and drove him to a hospital in Croydon, where he later died.


A post-mortem found he had suffered seven stab wounds to his body, with the fatal wound to his chest piercing a lung.

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