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No Guts, No Glory; Occupy Leadership By Any Possible Means -By FBI Oyefeso

The current voting population is about 84 million of which over 42 million representing (51.1%) are of youth population, over 60% of the youth voting population don’t vote, thereby leaving her power for the older generation to decide the leadership of our dear Nation- that’s the situation we find ourselves, a narrative we must all change together.



FBI Oyefeso

Its of note that the “Battle for Leadership” in any Nation of the world today, is a fierce contestation between Political Gladiators of opposite contenders.

Power is not for the teemed, Power is for the BRAVE,
So if Nigeria Youths truly desire to decide her destiny in her hands, then we must be prepare for Political Power Tussle, against the Bourgeoisie and members of the political elites that have continue to sniffle our existence for over 40 years .

We must rise up and demand for a level playing ground, we must put an end to their rules of the game, which state that “The Winner Takes it All” Enough ! is Enough!


Nigeria Youth are alienated in leadership , we have no say in determining our future for ourselves, our future is been determined by the outgoing generation of age bracket 60-85 years.

we are in a state of helplessness, as such the only thing we have in our hands is to result to self help, to reorganize our self in clusters and mobilize the grassroots to participate in the Leadership Power Tussle come 2023, and the best time to push for that ultimate goal is to start Now.

The power in our hands is the Power of our PVC, so we must encourage ourselves to be active participant in the electoral process because that’s the only way for us to decide our future by ourselves.


The current voting population is about 84 million of which over 42 million representing (51.1%) are of youth population, over 60% of the youth voting population don’t vote, thereby leaving her power for the older generation to decide the leadership of our dear Nation- that’s the situation we find ourselves, a narrative we must all change together.

To this end, we are embarking on a voter sensitization campaign with the Code name- Voices for Generation-Next Unaided-Voters Enlightenment (VOGUE) , the project targets 20 million youths between the ages of 18- 26 years as active participant in 2023 election year.

Together, we can achieve this height,
God Bless Nigeria,
long Live The Nigerian Youths


A speech delivered By FBI Oyefeso, the Executive Director, Nigeria Youths in Politics at Youth Stakeholders Conference on 27th December,2021 at the La View Hotel, Egbeda Lagos

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