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Problems of Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun and Possible Solutions -By Segun Adebowale

To deal with corruption, we all as individuals in this State / Country need to have a positive mindset and also to solve all these problems with the Oyo State Amotekun operatives we all have to cooperate and be good citizens so attain a level of zero tolerance to crime in Oyo State and Southwest in general, Nigeria in particular.



Oyo Amotekun

In contrast with the six Southwest states (Ondo, Ekiti, Osun, Oyo, Ogun and Lagos states) where Western Nigeria Security Network (Amotekun) is operating, it is only Oyo State that is operating the affairs of its Security Agents unprofessionally, even Lagos State that is currently and maintaining its Neighborhood watch is administring the affairs of its agency to conform to standard administration of the world class Security Agency.

The failure of the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) management team is nurturing and manifesting the problems below and if not checked by the appropriate body in Oyo State, the later corrupt society shall be greater than the present corrupt society, and all shall definitely have shares in the corrupt society that we failed to change for better when there is power and opportunity to do so. The few problems discuss below are babies of unprofessionalism practice that the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) is breeding and nurturing.

Corruption: This is the very perceived existing menance in the Nigeria Security outfit, which inform thirst for community police or State Police, as result of federal government to quench this thirst of decentralizing security sectors, this informed the good sense of all Southwest Governors forum to logically launched the Western Nigeria Security Network coded named AMOTEKUN on the 9th of January, 2020.


The Oyo State Amotekun operatives is now following the conventional foot steps of the Nigerian security agents of road block for monetary gain (extortion of public members) as against the check and search security agents” principle of look for illegal possession of polifferation weapons. No matter what you are bringing to Oyo State, what matter to the Oyo State Amotekun operatives is monetary negotiation. The herders and herder criminals are leaving their indeginous area of abode to reside in Southwest area, which Oyo State is a preferred settlement for them as result of weakness noticed by these herders in the Oyo State Amotekun operatives. Likewise, the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) administrators make the situation worst as they are administring unprofessionally, so as to cover-up their (adminstrators) corrupt deed. In a country, where corruption is the order of the day and as each day passes, new corrupt practices are exposed, the Oyo State Amotekun operatives is not left out. From unlawful arrests and detention to threats and acts of violence such as torture, violation of human rights, just to extort money from innocent individuals. The Oyo State Amotekun operatives is also guilty of demanding bribe on different occasions.

Another menance in the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) is Odua Peoples Congress (OPC) caucus: it is evident that the interest of the OPC caucus is prevailing in the Oyo State Security Network Agency because the two forceful tradional Oath administered on the Oyo State Amotekun operatives is OPC caucus agenda. And most atrocities committed by the Oyo State Amotekun operatives are mostly being committed by the OPC members, which nothing is done to control the situation.

Lack of Respect: Leaving corruption and OPC caucus, another problem facing the Oyo State Amotekun operatives is Lack of respect. The Oyo State Amotekun operatives are gradually losing the initial fear, confidence and trust the members of public were developing in the Security outfit at its inception. As results of public interaction and dealings with with the Oyo State Amotekun operatives the more their (Amotekun operatives) weakness interms of administration, coordination and professionalism is pronounced to the public that the Amotekun operatives are just but security agents of thugs and tauts, having known most of them (Amotekun operatives) in the community before and their crime antecedent and couple with this unchanging behavior of these Amotekun operatives, who are even parading themselves as OGA Amotekun operatives in their various Local Government councils and HQ is the more the citizens are losing the initial confidence, public trust and respect for the Agency and its Amotekun operatives. Other Nigerian Security Agencies failed to see the Oyo State Amotekun operatives as sister security agency, due to the fact that the criminal record of most of the Oyo State Amotekun operatives are still in their black records. The dignity and respect ought to earn and command from the general public and other dignified office holders by the Oyo State Amotekun operatives are being deprived the Oyo State Amotekun operatives by the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) management team just because of lack of professionalism operation in the Agency. The Agency failed to rank and file the Oyo State Amotekun operatives, which other security Agency are using to molest and downgrade the Oyo State Amotekun operatives. Code of conduct to modify the behavior of Oyo State Amotekun operatives is not made available. The Oyo State Amotekun operatives have lost their fear factor and respect in which they deserve because of uncontrolable smoking of cigarettes and India hemps in and outside Local Government Amotekun office, HQ inclusive. All these drug Barron’s adict and other criminal do reference that “we are together with Amotekun bosses”. Of course, why would they be scared when they have a link in the Oyo State Amotekun and they know that the Oyo State Amotekun operatives are part and parcel of them, even when they (criminals) are caught, it would only take some amount of money in form of bribes to get away and escape punishment. No Operational manual to provides guidance for the Oyo State Amotekun operatives to perform their functions correctly and reasonably efficiently to the standard procedures. Rather making the operatives to operate with the principle of jack of all trades, master of none.


Unprofessionalism operating in the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) is the main reason for disrespecting the Oyo State Amotekun operatives in the State. Amotekun operative is meant to be respected and held in an high place but reverse is the case. Insults, all forms of abuse and mockery is what is directed towards the Oyo State Amotekun operatives.

Another paramount mitigating factor against the Oyo State Amotekun operatives is the failure of the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) management team to organize retraining program for the Oyo State Amotekun operatives. Since the recruitment training of year 2020, the Oyo State Amotekun management team has not see it as thing of great important to retraing the Oyo State Amotekun operatives to meet up to the standard of security work entrusted to them. This account for reasons behind several killing of innocent citizens or suspects recorded so far in Oyo State Amotekun operation. Some of the Oyo State Amotekun operatives recruited were not train at all how to handle dane gun, talkless of sophisticated weapon.

Recently, a retraining video clip of Boko-haram or Bandits was posted on-line for all to see how fully they are preparing. What is wrong with the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) management team to prepare the Oyo State Amotekun operatives ahead for the task? I know that, not all Oyo State Amotekun operatives recruited can handle gun. And can selected few that can handle gun make it when the need eventually arised? Imagine the Oyo State Amotekun operative exposing and discussing office matters at bear palour and smoking joint, this is result of lack of security training ethics. No training is given on how to document crime reported to standard. With discreet findings the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun), is not having uniformity in the details of crime documentation across the 33 Local Government Councils. And lot of benefits is attached to the retraining program failed to organize by the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) management team.


Actions Of The Public: Of all problems, we all, as Nigerians or Oyo State citizens, have a way of influencing these social vices commited by men in the Oyo State Amotekun operatives. Must we always resort to bribe when we have an issue with the Amotekun operatives?

We complain of corruption but yet when there is a problem with the Amotekun corps the first thing we do is to “settle” them. Even when we are right, wrong or faulty we resort to bribe. Why? The corrupt problem of the Oyo State Amotekun operatives are mostly caused by acts of individuals in the state / country.

Quality of personnel and Misplaced Priorities: These are still another problems in the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun). The Oyo State Amotekun operatives that can read and write are fewer in number. Even these literate Amotekun operatives are not given chance to positively influence the non-lettered Amotekun operatives. Instead the non-lettered Amotekun operatives are being used as coordinators, 2ics (even at HQ) and operational leaders, whose decision in most cases are irrational and uncivilized. Apart from the quality of personnel, misplaced priorities are one of the root problems in the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun). The Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) management team fails to prioritize the Oyo State Amotekun Law 2020, which, without doubt can regularize all inappropriate adminstration in the Agency. The management team prioritize use of forceful tradional Oath taken as instruments over the well written and structured established Amotekun Law 2020. These failure of the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) management team make the Oyo State Amotekun operatives to perform their duties effectively and efficiently underwhelming. The Oyo State Amotekun operatives now understand security work as a sort of business and believe it is all about making money, to collect bail from innocent people and take “daily share” at the Amotekun’s offices and the Oyo State Amotekun operational base command respectively.


The Oyo State Amotekun operatives have to realize that they are in the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) for a reason which stands at “making Southwest, Oyo State and Nigeria safer and more secure for economic growth and development and also to create a safe and secure environment for all living in Oyo State” just as the Agency vision states in the established law 2020.

Inadequate Funding: One should not try to distort fact or gives misleading information. The Oyo State Government leads by the executive governor, Engineer Seyi Makinde is trying his possible best in ensuring the the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) is properly fund, even, in funding, the Local Government Councils are not left out, but this funding is being embezzled and misappropriated by the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) management team. With my findings, the Oyo State Amotekun operatives are well paid to some extent, though, the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) administration is nothing to write home about, compare to other Southwest States (esp Ondo State), due to the Odua Peoples Congress (OPC) caucus prevailing interest reigning in the Agency.

The level of inadequacy and preparedness of the Oyo State Amotekun operatives to combat crime is totally unbelievable. Poor equipments, or rather lack of modern day equipments or gadgets and proper technology suitable for the Security outfit in this 21st century and era of technology is as a result of inadequate funding of the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) created by the Agency management team. The level of equipment in use by a criminal is more sophisticated than that of Oyo State Amotekun operatives. How can a simple dane gun match an AK-47?


Better weapons, use of forensic laboratories and data banks, better technological advancements among others will suit the era we are and of course, give the Amotekun operatives courage to face criminals.

Critics and Condemnation: It is important to note that low self esteem can be caused by critics and condemnation. One of irrational decisions of the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) management team that attract Condemnation is placement of the Oyo State Amotekun operatives on the same salary scheme and on rankless/gradeless position, whereas other Southwest Amotekun operatives are properly certificated and decorated with appreciate ranks. This decision of management team are being critized and condemned by members of public. This invariably affects the performance of the Oyo State Amotekun operatives negatively.

Criticism of the Oyo State Amotekun literate operatives by illeterates among the operatives, that “with all your certificate, we are the one leading you,” this affects how well the few literates among the Oyo State Amotekun operatives put in their best to earn the Agency better image. The Oyo State Amotekun illiterates operatives despise the few educated among them.


Poor welfarism: The Oyo State Amotekun operatives are not properly care for as security personnel, this can make the operatives extorting money from the members of public in course of discharging their duty. Lack of proper welfare to the Oyo State Amotekun operatives can also make them to use the Oyo State Amotekun uniform to involve in illicit acts. No other allowance is given as security personnel, apart from monthly salary. Even in other kinds of jobs, certain things or benefits are made available to motivate workers and if those things are not in place, it results in poor performances which results in loss and in this context, they involve in many social vices like we see today.

Possible Solutions

With all these problems listed above, there are also possible solutions which can be put into consideration by the Oyo State Government and the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) management team for better and effective security of lives and properties of the Oyo State citizens by Amotekun operatives. Even, towards conversation of Oyo State Amotekun operatives to State Police, if eventually approved. The only and effective solution to all these problems is that if the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) team can give professionalism a chance to reign for the numbers of days that unprofessionalism has resigned / is reigning in the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) administration, without positive desired change in the Agency, the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) and its operatives will perform excellently well.


Eradication of OPC caucus ruling: The Oyo State Security Network Agency should do away with prevailing interest of the Odua Peoples Congress (OPC) caucus in the Agency. It is obvious that the Oyo State leaders of OPC are at the front of helm of the Oyo State Amotekun affairs, that why the Oyo State Amotekun Board of Governance find it difficult to implement and use the Oyo State Amotekun law 2020. And OPC factor is also behind using non-lettered operatives as leaders across the 33 Local Government councils and headquarters, whereas other Southwest states give chance to lettered Amotekun operatives to lead as Amotekun Commander, Amotekun operation head etc.

The Oyo State Amotekun constitution: The Oyo State Amotekun Law 2020 should be put to use for effective and efficient administration. To allow professionalism in the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) the law should be the Agency Bible and Quran, not a forceful traditional Oath taken as it organized on two different occasions by the OPC leaders of the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun)

Eradicating Corruptions: Some of the corrupts acts by the Oyo State Amotekun operatives are sometimes because of some certain policies put in place or unprofessional practice in the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) administration. First, No to road blocks. Bailling system should either be abolished or properly monitored and regulates by the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun). It is a notable fact that this stands as one of the main root problem to corruption in the Oyo State Amotekun operatives in all the 33 Local Government and the operational base office in lbadan. There should be strict laws against it while offenders should also be punished and if possible sacked.


Good Infrastructure and Proper Funding:
Also, good infrastructure should be made available in terms of the modern day security training center, good health care services. Also, allowances and other public servants benefits should be extended to the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) operatives. And not leaving behind proper funding of the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun)so as to make them combat crime to the best of their abilities.

Salary and Reward Scheme : Better salary schemes as well as rewards for devoted and hardworking officers as a means of motivation, so as to make others work harder. The need for proper training of officers is also advisable and as earlier suggested deserved punishment should be given to bad officers.

Recruitment of Competent Officers: Recruitment of the intending and approved 500 Amotekun operatives in Oyo State should follow a standard criteria. It should not be left in the hand of OPC leaders, but let the recruitment exercise be strictly affairs of the Oyo State Amotekun Board of Governance as contain in section 39 (1a) of the Oyo State Amotekun establishing law 2020.


Also the Oyo State Amotekun Board of Governance should not endorse a candidate based on familiarity rather than capability, this will give chance to the Agency to have an Amotekun operative with competent and capable skills. Background check of all short-listed applicants must be carried out, so as to know their antecedent.

Public Enlightenment and Co-Operation
The public also needs to be educated about duties of the Amotekun operatives and not forgetting to work hand in hand with the security agents to help maintain security in the environment.
Re-Training of Amotekun operatives/ need for more graduates

Oyo State Amotekun operatives should be required to take extra training or to revisit their basic training. They have a priority to protect lives and properties and should learn to not divert attention to other irrelevant things.


More education to officers or having knowledgeable officers will only see to improve the system. If need be, Amotekun academy (focus should be on product rather than theoretical) should be established just like the Nigerian Police Academy.

Complete Overhaul of the System
Retiring old and incompetent Oyo State Amotekun operatives, need for new policies and of course capable and educated people to lead the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun). Educational certificates should be considered and appropriate and equivalent rank and file structure in professional security outfit should be introduced.

Also, there is need for more action from the Oyo State Government and the Oyo State Amotekun Board of Governance in service rather than just mere words.


Reform into a Professional Agency: There is need to reform the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) into a professional Agency. As a para-military body, ranks and other things that would professionalise the affairs of the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) should be matter of exigency which the Oyo State Government should consider. There is need for absolute professionalism in the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun). This will also aid discipline and personnel development.

Improving the Image of the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun)

As it stands, there is only one way to improve the nagative image already associated with the Oyo State Amotekun operatives is for them to do their job like it is supposed to. Fair dealings and doing a good job in fighting crime will do their image a lot of good. And the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) management team should make available code of conduct and operational manual.


Public Amotekun operatives Relationship: This will earn them their deserved respect and also ensure that the public retains belief in the Oyo State Amotekun operatives to do their jobs accordingly.
The security situation in the country is worrisome and it is even more devastating to know that the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) management team meant to make the Oyo Amotekun operatives more effective and efficient to safe and secure place seems to have lost its objectives and functions as contain in section 5 & 6 of the Oyo State Amotekun law 2020. Above all the Executive governor of Oyo State Eng Seyi Makinde and the Oyo State House of Assembly should mandate the Oyo State Security Network Agency (Amotekun) to use and implement all departments and units (like the Investigative unit of the Agency and lndependent Amotekun Complaint Committee, section 22 and 23 of the Oyo State Amotekun law 2020) as contain in the Oyo State Amotekun law 2020. The agency failure to establish the independent Amotekun complaint unit is behind this independent Oyo State Amotekun online publication, because there are lot more to report on unethical performance of the Oyo State Amotekun operatives, which if reported to other channel may not get proper Justice. Let’s not forget that before the name “Amotekun operatives”, these people are just humans like us and they live in the same society that we live in driven by corruption.

To deal with corruption, we all as individuals in this State / Country need to have a positive mindset and also to solve all these problems with the Oyo State Amotekun operatives we all have to cooperate and be good citizens so attain a level of zero tolerance to crime in Oyo State and Southwest in general, Nigeria in particular.

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