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Put your phone on speaker mode and follow these five other airline safety tips

It’s crucial to be aware of several habits that should be avoided while on board in order to guarantee that everyone has a smooth and enjoyable flight experience.




Air travel is undoubtedly a handy and enjoyable way to get where you’re going, but it also comes with some responsibilities. These include treating fellow passengers and the flight crew with respect and concern.

It’s crucial to be aware of several habits that should be avoided while on board in order to guarantee that everyone has a smooth and enjoyable flight experience.

This article lists six things you should never do when flying in order to be a considerate and polite passenger who prioritizes everyone’s safety.


What to avoid doing on an airplane

Not turning off cell phones or using airplane mode

It’s essential to switch off mobile phones and other electronic devices or better still put them on airplane mode during the flight. This ensures there is no interference with the aircrafts communication and navigation systems.

Opening of doors mid flight

As a passenger on a flight, you have no business with opening the doors while on air or even while the plane has landed. This is for your safety as well as the others on board even if its a case of emergency that’s what the cabin crew are to handle.

Removing shoes and socks

As comfortable as it may be, removing shoes, especially socks can be off-putting or really uncomfortable to other passengers due to smell or hygiene concerns.


Sitting all through the flight

Staying seated all through an entire flight is really not advisable, it leads to discomfort. It’s important to get up, stretch, move around periodically especially on long flights to ensure smooth blood circulation.

Ignoring seatbelt signs

Ignoring the seatbelt sign can be dangerous always adhere to the signs and instruction from the flight attendants for your own safety.

Being Loud or Disruptive

Keeping noise levels down is crucial, especially on long flights where passengers might be trying to rest. Avoid loud conversations, music, or movies.


Traveling by airplane requires a bit of patience and courtesy to ensure a pleasant experience for everyone on board. By avoiding these common pitfalls, you can contribute to a more enjoyable flight for yourself and your fellow passengers. Remember, a little consideration goes a long way in making air travel a smoother and more pleasant experience for all.

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