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Rethinking Lagos Governance: Sanwo-Olu -Hamzat’s Model -By Reuben Hopo

For the sake of history and posterity, his rethinking of Lagos Governance has made him a unique brand like no other, and he is worthy of being recorded now to inspire future leaders in the State and grassroots to strengthen political stability, good policy formulation and benevolence governance that meet the needs of the populace in democracy.



Babajide Sanwo-Olu-Opinion-Nigeria

Leadership models are of different types in society, especially looking at governance, and each of these has peculiar characteristics defining their traits. For instance, while we have visionary leaders, others are either transformative/transformational, charismatic/inspirational, dictatorial or jack-boot, and so on. A particular variant in Africa is the jack-boot democratic leader where the governor and his deputy for example, sooner or later ruffled feathers over supremacy of office than sharing a mutual understanding about governance.

The Governor of Lagos State, Mr. Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu, and his deputy, Dr. Kadri Obafemi Hamzat’s Leadership Model is typically a blend of visionary, transformational, and charismatic leadership. According to a writer recently, the Governor was described as “a Compassionate Leader.” The duo will remain a reference point for years to come and would be remembered in the same way they are thoughtful of “Lateef Jakande Leadership Academy”, as proof that those who inspired good governance in society should have their names rank beyond immortalization on physical structures only, to address leadership deficit in the larger public to bring society on the path of recovery and progress at all times.

Ideally, Governor Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu has shown himself as a quintessential leader whose concern is to govern Lagos State effectively and leave a mark of true leadership on the sand of times, has established his cabinet on the cornerstone of collective responsibility with the mantra of “Igbega Ipinle Eko, Ajumose Ni” since he assumed office on May 29, 2019 till date, and chief in this alignment is his Deputy Governor, Dr. Kadri Obafemi Hamzat. The cordiality he shared with his next in comradeship to other members of the State Executive Council explicitly affirmed his readiness and rededication to achieve the purpose of his mandate freely given by residents of the State twice now, than lose focus on why he is today the Governor of Lagos State, and ditto his Deputy Governor. This is true governance for real!


As of today, he and his successful team have broken many jinxes, and most spectacular of these is the ongoing transport revolution being achieved to ensure interconnectivity between all the modes of transportation in the State to quicken the reality of a smart city Lagos for all residents and visitors. This is aptly labeled “A Greater Lagos Rising” in his ongoing second-term Administration. As he continues to break more ground, “Making Lagos The Twenty-First Century Economy”, a core pillar in the T. H. E. M. E. S. + Agenda is fast approaching.

For the sake of history and posterity, his rethinking of Lagos Governance has made him a unique brand like no other, and he is worthy of being recorded now to inspire future leaders in the State and grassroots to strengthen political stability, good policy formulation and benevolence governance that meet the needs of the populace in democracy. Having passed through critical tests of governance such as the invincible COVID-19, he will always come above the board in any emergency in providing tested and trusted leadership for the people of the State.

Given the emerging twenty-first-century economy, people in power should copy Sanwo-Olu-Hamzat’s Model to rededicate themselves to the service of the people to erect their names in the mainframe of history. Governance is a continuum, as power is transient. So, those vested with the people’s mandate should know that we have Lagos, Nigeria, and Africa to put on the mainstream of global governance by setting good precedences for others to follow.


Reuben Hopo writes from Badagry, Lagos State.

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