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Seeing Comments On Social Media Platforms And News Reports On Tinubu’s Slips As Tempest In A Teapot -By Isaac Asabor

To surmise the foregoing views, journalists must persistently investigate, collaborate, and advocate for transparency to ensure that the Tinubu-led administration remains accountable to the Nigerian people. Their work is vital for a healthy democracy and the protection of citizens’ rights, and not to be busy with whether he slips or not.




In the fast-paced world of journalism, every action of a political leader is scrutinized. From policy decisions to personal mishaps, the media plays a crucial role in shaping public perception. But when it comes to reporting on a president’s slip or fall, is it truly newsworthy?

For this writer not to be crucified by party jingoists and social media bullies, it is expedient to opine that it has symbolic importance as a president represents the nation. This is as a president’s actions, even seemingly trivial ones, carry symbolic weight. In fact, a slip can be seen as a metaphor for the challenges a leader faces, whether it is navigating political pitfalls or maintaining stability.

On a concerning note, it also has health and security implications. This is as a fall could indicate health issues or security risks. In fact, if a president stumbles during a public event, it raises questions about his physical well-being and the effectiveness of his security detail.


In a similar vein, there is no denying the fact that a president’s slip is of public Interest. The reason for being news cannot be farfetched as the people, the governed, have a right to know about their leaders’ well-being. More so, transparency fosters trust, even as reporting on a slip ensures transparency and accountability.
However, it is expedient to opine in this context that focusing on minor incidents detracts from more critical issues, particularly as a president’s slip might be irrelevant compared to policy decisions, economic crises, or international relations.

Again, a president’s slips, like any individual, deserves privacy, and journalistic reporting on slips may invade their personal space unnecessarily, but what if the slips occurred publicly, particularly in the case of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu who slipped on Wednesday while boarding the parade vehicle at the venue of the 2024 Democracy Day?

As gathered from a viral video clip, the President had approached the vehicle shortly after he arrived at the Eagles Square, Abuja venue of the programme, the President lost his footing momentarily as he was about to step into the vehicle.


However, despite the slip, the President quickly regained his balance and continued with the proceedings as the event at Eagles Square was part of a series of events to mark the country’s Democracy Day celebration.

Unfortunately, there has been a rash of media sensation since the incident occurred. Some argue that media outlets sensationalize such incidents for ratings, saying that instead of objective reporting, they prioritize shock value.

Without a doubt, while a president’s slip may not always be headline-worthy, it is essential to consider the broader implications. Responsible journalism should focus on substance over spectacle, ensuring that citizens receive accurate, relevant information without compromising privacy.


However, if anyone ask this writer about his take on the president’s slip, he would not hesitate to say it is not news as the fall is a mere tempest in a teapot.

Despite the flurry of comments and discussions which the president’s slips has ignited at the public event, it is germane in this context to recall that Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, has had her share of slips. From tripping on stairs to shaking episodes during public events. In fact, Merkel’s balance issues have not derailed her leadership.

In a similar vein, Emmanuel Macron, the president of France, was reported to have in the past to have fell on a wet staircase during a visit to Romania. Yet, his policies and diplomatic efforts remain the real story. So also is Theresa May, former prime minister of the United Kingdom, who was reported to have made an awkward dance moves and stumbling during speeches. Also, that did not define her tenure as Prime Minister, particularly in her Brexit negotiations feat.


Also, Joe Biden, the president of the United States of America, was publicly seen to have occasionally slipped on stairs, and that have not overshadowed his policy agenda as his focus remains on infrastructure, climate change, and social justice.

At this juncture, it is expedient to urge my fellow colleagues in the fields of journalism and writing to look beyond the fall as it is a mere blip in the grand scheme of leadership. Let us not get caught up in the theatrics. Instead, let us demand transparency, scrutinize policies, and engage in meaningful conversations about our nation’s future.

The reason for the forgoing plea cannot be farfetched as Journalists collectively play a crucial role in holding governments accountable, and under the Tinubu-led administration in Nigeria, their work has become even more challenging.


Given the foregoing views, it is expedient to urge my fellow Journalists and social media buffs to employ strategies that can hold Tinubu-led administration to account, rather than being busy writing and reporting on how President Tinubu slips on Democracy Day.

First and foremost, it is germane to urge Investigative Journalists in the Journalism profession to continue to investigate and expose corruption, human rights abuses, and other misconduct within the government. This is as in-depth reporting can uncover hidden truths and shed light on issues that need public attention.
Again, Journalists can use legal means to challenge actions taken by the administration. This includes filing Freedom of Information (FOI) requests, seeking court orders, and advocating for transparency in government processes.

In a similar vein, it is incumbent on Journalists to be encouraging whistleblowers to come forward with information as it is essential. Given the foregoing, it is germane to urge Journalists to always protect their sources and ensure that whistleblowers’ identities remain confidential. This helps expose wrongdoing without endangering those who speak out.
Also, there is an urgent need for collaboration among practitioners in the profession to always join forces with civil society organizations, international bodies, and other media outlets as collective efforts amplify their impact and provide a united front against government suppression.


Making analysis from the perspective of public awareness campaigns, it is expedient for Journalists to engage in campaigns to educate the public about their rights, the importance of press freedom, and the need for accountability, even as raising awareness can mobilize public support and put pressure on the administration.
In a similar vein, Journalists have the responsibility of regularly monitoring government actions and fact-checking official statements as it is crucial. Not only that, Journalists can debunk misinformation and hold officials accountable for their claims.

Also, it is expedient for Journalists to always engage with international bodies like the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) as they can draw attention to the challenges faced by Nigerian journalists. Good enough, the CPJ has already appealed to the Tinubu-led government to improve press freedom in the country.

To surmise the foregoing views, journalists must persistently investigate, collaborate, and advocate for transparency to ensure that the Tinubu-led administration remains accountable to the Nigerian people. Their work is vital for a healthy democracy and the protection of citizens’ rights, and not to be busy with whether he slips or not. In fact, it is no more news that a president slips because a president is equally a human being like each and every one of us.

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