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Seeing Kate Henshaw As A Beacon Of Hope For Those Who Seek Positive Change In Nigeria -By Isaac Asabor

Looking at this issue from the perspective of balancing trust and adaptability, it is germane to opine that effective leaders strike a balance between trustworthiness and adaptability.
Given the foregoing, it is not out of place to opine that trust is essential for stability, but leaders must also be willing to evolve. They should listen to feedback, learn from mistakes, and adjust their strategies.



Kate Henshaw

Nollywood actress, Kate Henshaw has never been one to mince words. Her recent critique of the Nigerian government’s decision to revert to the old national anthem, “Nigeria, We Hail Thee,” is a testament to her unwavering commitment to speaking truth to power.

President Bola Tinubu’s signing of the National Anthem Bill 2024, which reinstated the old anthem, caught many by surprise. Amidst a backdrop of economic challenges, rising food prices, and a lack of good governance, Henshaw questioned the timing and relevance of this move. In a series of social media posts, she sarcastically quipped:

“In the midst of excoriating hardship and lack of good governance on every level, but not to worry, going back to a colonial anthem will be a soothing balm and inject patriotism back into our veins, a much-needed drug.”


Henshaw’s reference to the phrase “The labour of our heroes past… o ti lo” from the current anthem highlights the disconnect between leadership decisions and the realities faced by everyday Nigerians. She eloquently captures the sentiment of a populace tired of broken promises and unfulfilled potential.

On her X (formerly Twitter) handle she posted, “The new national anthem is not my problem. The problem is that very soon you will read that 30 billion was used to teach it.

As a veteran actress and public figure, Henshaw’s criticism resonates with many. It serves as a reminder that leaders must be held accountable for their actions. The anthem change symbolizes more than just a switch in lyrics; it reflects a deeper distrust in the system.


Henshaw’s comments sparked a lively debate on social media. Nigerians weighed in, sharing their thoughts on whether the old anthem truly represents their aspirations. Some welcomed the change, while others echoed Henshaw’s concerns.

Kate Henshaw’s bold stance reminds us that artists and activists play a crucial role in shaping public discourse. As the anthem echoes through stadiums and classrooms once again, let us reflect on what it truly means to hail Nigeria. Perhaps, in the chorus of voices, we will find a path toward genuine progress and renewed trust in our leaders.

Without a doubt, her position on the issue is unarguably a manifestation of distrust, and which is not peculiar to her but to all Nigerians. However, it is expedient to remind our leaders that when leaders are distrusted and predictable, it creates a challenging environment for progress and growth. In fact, delving into this issue and exploring the implications will reveal that not a few people have lost confidence in our leaders.


Without a doubt, the situation does not augur well for the government because when leaders are distrusted, it erodes confidence in their decision-making abilities. The people may question their motives, integrity, and competence.

In a similar vein, transparency becomes crucial in rebuilding trust. Given the foregoing, it is expedient for our leaders to introspect into the quality their collective leadership style, and adopt the strategies of communicating openly, addressing concerns, and demonstrating consistency in their actions.

In fact, it is expedient to opine in this context that actions of distrusted leaders are predictable, but excessive predictability can hinder innovation and adaptability, even as when leaders follow rigid patterns and refuse to consider alternative approaches, they limit creativity and problem-solving. In fact, predictability can also lead to complacency. If leaders always take the same path, they miss opportunities for growth and change.


Looking at this issue from the perspective of balancing trust and adaptability, it is germane to opine that effective leaders strike a balance between trustworthiness and adaptability.
Given the foregoing, it is not out of place to opine that trust is essential for stability, but leaders must also be willing to evolve. They should listen to feedback, learn from mistakes, and adjust their strategies.

The reason for urging Nigerian leaders to adjust their strategies cannot be farfetched as adaptive leaders embrace change, encourage experimentation, and foster a culture of continuous improvement. Therefore, our leaders must navigate the delicate balance between trust and adaptability.

Certainly! Kate Henshaw has indeed been a vocal advocate for truth and justice. Her unwavering commitment to speaking truth to power has garnered both admiration and concern. Delving into her journey and the reasons behind her activism shows that she is fearless with a good understanding of governance and have empathy for the people even as she has the power of speaking the truth.


For instance, during the 2023 general elections, Kate Henshaw’s family was reportedly worried about her safety due to her outspoken nature. In fact, her courage in challenging the status quo and fearlessly expressing her opinions reflects her commitment to a better Nigeria.

Without a doubt, Kate’s involvement in activism and her determination to speak truth to power stem from her history of surviving an abusive relationship. Having experienced domestic violence, she understands the importance of standing up against injustice and oppression. In fact, her personal journey has fueled her passion for advocating for change and holding leaders accountable.

Given her personality of fighting everyone’s cause and speaking against oppression and injustice, it is not out of place to conjecture that Kate’s refusal to remain silent demonstrates the power of individual voices in shaping society. By always speaking truth to power, she contributes to a more transparent and accountable governance.


In summary, Kate Henshaw’s patriotic fervor and commitment to truth have made her a beacon of hope for those who seek positive change in Nigeria. Her courage serves as an inspiration to others, urging them to use their voices to create a better future

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