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Soludo And His Critics -By Charles Ogbu

…instead of trying to distract governor Charles Chukwuma Soludo who is taking real action against these terrorists (for weeks, in line with his CARROT and STICK approach, heavy military operations have been going on in different camps used by the cr!m!nal with many k!lled and many more arrested), ask your own state governor to stop hiding in his govt house every Monday but to come out to do his job of keeping you safe.



Charles Ogbu

Let’s face it, MOST (not all) of the people picking hole in Soludo’s rightous war against those homegrown terrorists ravaging Ala-Igbo are closet enablers of terror. Don’t let them fool you with their twisted logic. And most importantly, don’t let them gaslight you.

In Enugwu, Ebonyi, Imo and Abia, people are still being k!lled and ma!med every Monday in the name of a sit-at-home repeatedly cancelled by IPOB. Those criminals destroying Ala-Igbo have camps in all those states. Why should someone from Enugwu for instance – a state where even the governor himself hardly step out of his govt house on Mondays – be more interested in criticising an Anambra Soludo who is taking action instead of asking why his own Enugwu governor is not taking the same drastic action to root out those merchants of terror from their different camps in his own state?

Why is someone from Ebonyi criticising Soludo instead of asking why Ebonyi state governor who doubles as the chairman of the very useless Southeast Governors Forum, not taking similar action to clear those criminals from Ebonyi state bushes?


Why are we not even asking why the entire Southeast governors are not carrying out simultaneous and coordinated action to destroy all the camps being used by these enemies of Ala-Igbo?

Are we waiting until Ala-Igbo become like the North, if we are not already there?

You sef check am nah! Does it make sense to be attacking the only governor taking real action while ignoring the rest of them clowns sitting comfortably in their respective govt houses and even joining us all to sit at home every Monday? Do not let any enabler of terror to gaslight you with some duumb argument, please.


By saying that FROM THE STATISTICS OF THOSE ARRESTED SO FAR, these criminals are from other Southeast states, Soludo has successfully incited the people of Anambra state against these hoodlums destroying their state and by so doing, he has made the people see this as not just Soludo’s fight but their fight to rescue their state. A very smart move, if you ask me. I mean, it’s common knowledge that there is no way these agents of anarchy could have successfully operated in any area without people from that particular area working with them. Soludo’s statement was not to create any disunity.

I have had the privilege of being invited to the Southeast Governors Forum Security Meeting with all the governors and their security Chiefs in attendance and I can authoritatively tell you, every governor knows almost everything there is to know about security issues in his state. Most times, the WILL to act is the problem. Let us all pressure them to act even if it means claiming that the cr!m!nals in their own state are from another state. As long as we successfully take back Ala-Igbo from these beasts, I wouldn’t mind. Currently, Ala-Igbo is down, if we are being honest. Everything must be done to help her get up.

So in summary, instead of trying to distract governor Charles Chukwuma Soludo who is taking real action against these terrorists (for weeks, in line with his CARROT and STICK approach, heavy military operations have been going on in different camps used by the cr!m!nal with many k!lled and many more arrested), ask your own state governor to stop hiding in his govt house every Monday but to come out to do his job of keeping you safe. Do you even know that each of these governors take AT LEAST N600,000000 (six hundred million naira) EVERY MONTH in the name of security votes? Some take far more. Yet, you are left at the mercy of heartless cr!m!nals unleashing terror on you right there in your own land where you are supposed to feel safest?


The failure of the Southeast Governors Forum led by Dave Umahi got us into this mess. So if you want to criticize, start by criticising Dave Umahi led Southeast Governors Forum for m£ss!ng up Igbo chances of having a regional security outfit at a time Ndigbo wailed and cried and begged for one to protect us from the marauding h£rdsm£n and thus, creating a JUSTIFIABLE excuse for non-state actors to acquire weapons which brought us to a very shameful situation where we are now under the fear of being killed, ma!med, raped or kidnapped not by the herdsmen but by our own flesh and blood.

Soludo was not the governor when this problem was created. As at 2017, Soludo along with professor Chidi Odinalu, Dr Law Mefor etc on behalf of a foremost Igbo Think Tank, Nzuko Umunna to which I belong, visited Nnamdi Kanu in prison after which they held a World Press conference categorically telling Buhari that while Ndigbo believe that Kanu is not above the law, they would also not agree to him being treated beneath the law. So the governor has always been an advocate of fair treatment for all even before becoming governor. He has even set up a Truth and Reconciliation committee to address the root causes of the violence. Again, he has heavily criticised the FG for using delay tactics to keep Kanu behind bars and called on them to either give him a speedy trial or release him.

Now that IPOB, the main recognised self determination group has REPEATEDLY distanced itself from the continued violent enforcement of the sit-at-home and even named the people behind this violence in addition to pledging to fully support Soludo in his effort towards peace, the least expected of every Igbo person is to fully SUPPORT the only governor working towards salvaging Anambra and by extension, Ala-Igbo because if his template works as I’m sure it would, I believe the other sleeping clowns will wake up to copy his style.



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