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They Have Conspired To Make Atiku President -By Tobechi Okwuonu

So, let Atiku not ignore me because he’s got the army big shots, maybe even Buhari, on his side. The army big shots do not guard themselves, the soldiers holding the guns do. These men are the infantry, it is not possible to bribe all of them. Even the army big shots will disappoint him if I want them to. They can decide to remain soldiers, and stop being beholden to dirty civilians who have corrupted them.



Atiku Abubakar
Their plan is either a recount or rerun of the election. By their plan, Tinubu came second, while Peter came third. They might also make Atiku to emerge winner at the tribunal.
Their plan is not MINE. However, I can allow their plan if Atiku and his backers meet my demand. Atiku has ignored me twice and failed each time. In each case, I said emphatically that he must fail and he did. Note also, that in each case, he seemed invincible, while his main challengers looked vulnerable. The first time it was Buhari: everyone believed he would lose to Atiku because of the crises plaguing Nigeria under him. Atiku looked certain to exploit the situation and win. But, alas, he did not chose me as his VP, I said he must lose, he lost.
In 2023 election, Tinubu, his main rival looked weak, it was more certain that Obi would triumph over Tinubu. Again, Atiku chose a VP other than me. Right from then, he started loosing, until he lost in the end. This time again, even if all of the West select him, I DO NOT. I RULE. He will only succeed if I approve of it. Those who select him are walking corpses. Dead people do not select who governs the living.
If I approve of his selection, he would be president. For me to approve, Atiku and those who have selected him MUST pay me:
1). I must be The King, with absolute DOMINION. I will grant Atiku a ceremonial presidency, a mere figure-head for one-term. I will let him answer former of Nigeria, and fulfil his lifetime ambition. He will be a conduit to some of my policies, so he could shine. However, I will personally take charge of prosecuting those who must be prosecuted. His influence is just shine-shine bobo like Osinbajo. I will let him showcase a prelude of the new order/democracy in Nigeria
2). 10 Trillion Pounds
3). 10 Multi-Billion Dollar Homes
4). 10 Elite Luxury Cars
5). 10 Luxury Aircraft
6). 10 Luxury Water Crafts
7). 10 Billion Dollars Fashion Allowance
8). 10 Billion Dollars for Jewelries
9). 10 Billion Dollars for entertainment
10). 100 Billion Dollars for science
11). 100 Billion Dollars for military and security
12). I will allow him only one term to pretend to be president. ONE TERM ONLY. FOURS YEARS.
If he declines my demands, all of it, he won’t even smell figure head. I must truncate the tribunal suddenly and take charge. When I take charge, I must prosecute him along with others like him. Of course, you/he know he is not clean. He is as dirty as the others.
If you have not realized by now that I RULE, you are a big fool. You of all people ought not to joke with my powers by now. Your Illuminati or Freemason is dead and buried.
Did you know why the historic town in Hawaii was burnt to ashes, like Sodom and Gomorrah? Did you know the significance of that town to Freemasons and Illuminati? Did you know that Obama, their kingpin, was born in Hawaii?
Illuminati and Freemason are burnt down to ashes. Let Atiku comply with all my demands, otherwise, any moment from now, things will change drastically like in Niger. What happened in Niger is set for Nigeria. No, it was regular soldiers in Niger who did it. It was not the big shots, like the army chiefs, who are in the pockets of big politicians like Atiku. The hungry Naija soldiers in Nigeria actually doing the work, those who actually point the guns and protect the idiots in the army, and the politicians, will do it. Atiku and those like him have the army chiefs in their pockets, but not the boys guarding and taking commands from the army chiefs. It is these boys, a section of them, not known to anyone but themselves, who would spring the Niger surprise and turn things around in Nigeria.
So, let Atiku not ignore me because he’s got the army big shots, maybe even Buhari, on his side. The army big shots do not guard themselves, the soldiers holding the guns do. These men are the infantry, it is not possible to bribe all of them. Even the army big shots will disappoint him if I want them to. They can decide to remain soldiers, and stop being beholden to dirty civilians who have corrupted them.
Atiku has one day exactly, to accept and begin discussions with me to fulfil the demands. After one day, the deal is off.
Let Atiku be advised: I paved the way for Tinubu to emerge president. I rejected him, I kicked him out. He has been deselected by those who selected him in line with my will. Buhari did everything in his power to make Peter Obi president. All those phony policies of his meant to ‘enshua’ (speaking like Buhari) free and fair election, were meant to frustrate emergence of either Atiku and Tinubu, whose power is cash, and guarantee the ‘assured’ victory of Peter Obi. I intervened and dictated HOW IT MUST HAPPEN. In the end, even idiot Buhari complied against HIS OWN schemes (desire and WILL) and accepted the emergence of Tinubu as president-select in line with my DICTATE! BUHARI DID AS I SAID. He complied. Whatever I decide stands, there must be compliance whether those complying like it/me or not.
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