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Article of Faith

Thinkable Bible History – How Else Did the Scriptures Come Together? -By Nneka Okumazie

It is difficult to even think otherwise of the resurrection because of some fake historian, or fake writings describing Christ, or other kinds of non-canonical writings.



dead sea scrolls

The documentation of Christianity is the greatest.

There are so many questions against the Christian Faith with some attacking the core of how the Scriptures came together.

The current age of data seems to store everything, but the vulnerabilities keep it below the Christian Faith.


There are two major angles to also look at in thinking of the Scriptures: memory and witnesses.

There are some prophets in the second half of the Old Testament that received lengthy visions and were able to document it all.

It shows how much their memory could hold – in sight and of speech, detailing what they heard and saw.


Their hippocampus – so to speak, exceeds many of the computational power of present day, or the future.

In writing also, there are things that were totally of revelation, to know what no one heard or saw.

Then there were witnesses, so many of them through the Scriptures, both from GOD’s people and others.


The servants in the Book of Job could have documented some of his experiences, or his friends, so would have Job been able to say, for record, after his deliverance, same for Jonah.

In the New Testament, some of the disciples that didn’t write any Book could have been taking notes, that were part of the archives with which the Gospels were written from.

There also would have been curious minds, who followed Christ everywhere, or budding philosophers and writers, who observed, took notes, and tried to verify information from those who got miracles.


Many of these would have been added to the ‘libraries’.

The Book of John had details some others didn’t have showing that it is possible he too had a massive memory, revelation and some insights – also. When Peter denied JESUS, people knew him.

When they sought false witnesses against Christ, someone said the temple would come down, so there were people who weren’t for Him, but knew what He said.


There were also false witnesses, whose account couldn’t be corroborated, so it was dismissed, but it spoke to how, even at the time, credible information was sought.

It is possible that if the miracles were faked, or something was wrong with some information, that they would have known.

The events of Christ and Christianity also happened in a civilization that has a history and the success of the Faith after death, had little to no opacity.


It is difficult to even think otherwise of the resurrection because of some fake historian, or fake writings describing Christ, or other kinds of non-canonical writings.

Christ died and rose. Christ is the Savior. Christ brought Salvation. Christ tried to avoid doing so often, but sometimes said it. [Mark 11:22, And JESUS answering saith unto them, Have Faith in GOD.]

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