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TOP STORIES: 82 Division solicits cooperation of monarchs to end insecurity in South-East

Responding, the Chairman, Traditional Rulers’ Council, Ohafia LGA, HRM Eze Igwe Ojike, thanked the GOC for the visit, and assured him of the readiness of the monarchs to partner security agencies to ensure peace and security in their respective communities.



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The General Officer Commanding (GOC) 82 Division, Nigeria Army, Major Gen. Hassan Taiwo Dada, has solicited the cooperation of traditional rulers to help end insecurity in the South East geo-political zone.

This is as the GOC has tasked soldiers on professionalism, proactivity and loyalty to their superiors and the military hierarchy.

Maj. Gen. Dada who made the appeal yesterday while addressing traditional rulers from Ohafia Local Government Area of Abia State on the sidelines of his tour of facilities at the 14 Brigade Nigeria Army Ohafia, and other Army formations in the state, decried the disturbing insecurity in the zone.


According to him the senseless killings and ravaging insecurity in the South East are very strange to the Igbo culture and way of life.

The GOC who said that Ndigbo were never known for bloodshed, called on all the stakeholders including the traditional institution to rise against the menace.


He expressed surprise and sadness how the South East zone hitherto known for peace and hospitality suddenly became a stage for violence and senseless killings.

Recalling his his wonderful impression about the Igbo people when he served in Enugu about 15 years ago, Maj. Gen. Dada who assumed duty as the GOC 82 Division on July 12, 2023, regretted that the strange and disturbing insecurity in the zone had compelled him to change his good impression about the people.

” This is not the Igbo land I left in 2003. To an Igbo man, spilling the blood of his brother is a sacrilege! The Igbo people are not known for bloodshed! The Igbo are accommodating and peace – loving people.


” But now the amount of killing and impunity is alarming. What has been happening in North East, North West and South South is now in South East. And we cannot tolerate that because violence is never right irrespective of our sentiments.”

Harping on the unity of the country, the GOC appealed to the traditional rulers to help preach peace to their subjects.


” Please our fathers, help us talk to the youths in your communities because they are your subjects. We need to have peace in the land for the good of all.

We solicit your assistance so we can have secure environment.

” We all know the losses that this insecurity in the South East has caused. A lot of businesses have been affected. Your sons can no longer return for New Yam festivals and other ceremonies in their communities. So, time has come for us to all unite and stop the menace.”


Maj. Gen. Dada explained that contrary to wrong perceptions in some quarters, the presence of the military in the region was not for invasion but for peace.

” We are not here to fight you; we are here to maintain peace. A soldier should not be seen as one sent to kill but to protect. I’m assuring you that anybody that’s law-abiding and peaceful must be protected.

” We have come to work together so that we can help these young people to stop insecurity. Among the youths I see future leaders of our dear country. We must help them to understand that they should not ruin their future. Everybody must shun violence”.


Responding, the Chairman, Traditional Rulers’ Council, Ohafia LGA, HRM Eze Igwe Ojike, thanked the GOC for the visit, and assured him of the readiness of the monarchs to partner security agencies to ensure peace and security in their respective communities.

He noted that traditional rulers had been apostles of peace in their communities, and promised that they would continue to preach peace among their subjects.


The monarch who said that killing and violence were not in the DNA of the Igbo man, restated the commitment of the traditional institution towards improving security in the South East and Ohafia LGA in particular.

Traditional rulers from various communities in Ohafia clan, Nkporo and Abriba clans were present during the meeting at the Ohafia LGA headquarters.

The GOC had earlier visited the 14 Brigade Nigeria Army, Ohafia where he inspected facilities at the barack and addressed officers and men of the Brigade.


He tasked the soldiers on professionalism and loyalty to the authorities.

The GOC promised to improve on their welfare and give them all the necessary support they need to perform optimally.

” The Brigade Commander has briefed me on some of your challenges, and we will look for how to solve them. You have been doing well but can do much better


” Your welfare is paramount to me. Whatever you are required to work with will receive priority attention.

” But you must be very professional; you must be very proactive; and you must be very supportive to your Commanders.”


Maj. Gen. Dada also encouraged the soldiers not to be overwhelmed by the rising insecurity in the South East.

” We must not allow any form of insecurity to overwhelm us. You have been trained and equiped, and I believe you can handle it.

” You have a lot to do, and I believe you have the capacity and capabilities to do it. There will be no retreat, no surrender!”


The GOC further tasked the soldiers to engage and relate well with the civilian populace as well as other security agencies for harmonious working relationship and peace.

” You must engage with the communities around you. You must work in synergy with sister security agencies because they have critical role to play for the return of peace and security in South East”.

The GOC conveyed to the soldiers the felicitations of the Chief of Army Staff, and also charged them to rise against economic sabotage especially oil theft.


Maj. Gen. Dada later visited the 143 Rangers Battalion Isuikwuato; the Nigeria Army Language Institute, Isuikwuato and other Army formations in the state to inspect facilities and boost the morale of personnel.

He was received on arrival by the Commander, 14 Brigade, Brig. General Nsikak John Edet and other officers of the Brigade.

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