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UK’s Election: A Real Election Or Mere Selection? -By Peter Omoniyi Gidado

The electoral umpire in the United Kingdom should, as a matter of urgency, deploy her men to a ‘certain’ country in Africa where the real election are being conducted for training at a no-cost. The election in that “certain” country last year was so free, fair and credible that the Prime Minister of your country was the first world leader to congratulate the winner of the poll.



UK Election

I have been following the ongoing election (or is it selection?) in the United Kingdom and I must wholeheartedly confess that I am not impressed with the conduct.

How can a country, purported to be in an advanced and developed state, conduct such an election with such defeaning decorum?


My long stay on Twitter, as a self-accredited election observer wasn’t worth it. I burnt my pitiable data, carefully following up on the event, looking out, anxiously for what really “matters” in an election and I was heavily disappointed.

How can you dare say you are choosing your leaders without the “life” of an election, without following the unwritten process of a normal election – The fear of the known and unknown, the lousiness and uncouthness of the “Egbon Adugbos”, the desperations of the party agents, the long queues that leads to nowhere, the corrupt-mindedness of the election conductors, the over-bombardment of security inputs, the obvious exchange of power of the thumb for crispy notes and the hopelessness reeking out of the faces of voter.

The electoral umpire in the United Kingdom should, as a matter of urgency, deploy her men to a ‘certain’ country in Africa where the real election are being conducted for training at a no-cost. The election in that “certain” country last year was so free, fair and credible that the Prime Minister of your country was the first world leader to congratulate the winner of the poll. That says alot about the credibility and integrity of the electoral body in the said country.


UK Election, a real election or mere selection?



Jeff Okoroafor is a leading member of a new generation of civic advocates for government accountability and democratic change in Nigeria. The Citizen Affairs Initiative is a citizen-driven governance initiative that enhances public awareness on critical issues of service quality in Nigeria. It encourages citizens to proactively seek higher standards from governments and service providers and further establishes new discussions in communities about the standards that citizens should expect and deserve from those they have given their mandates. Jeff is the Managing Director of SetFron Limited, a multimedia development company that is focused on creative and results-driven web, mobile app, and ERP software solutions. He is the co-founder of the African Youths Advancement and Support Initiative (AfriYasi), a non-governmental not-for-profit organisation that provides tertiary education scholarship for young people from low-income homes in Nigeria. He is a Fellow of the Young African Leaders Initiative and the United Nations World Summit Awards. A Strategic Team member of the Bring Back Our Girls movement, and a member of the National Technical Committee on the Establishment and Management of Missing Persons Database in Nigeria. Jeff holds a Bachelor and Postgraduate diploma degrees in Computer Science, and a Certificate in Public Administration from Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, GIMPA.

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